Dear Reader,
"Write this date down," Dylan Jovine said to me earlier this year.
Then he handed me a notecard with the following date:
He told me to watch shares of Viking Therapeutics stock.
And sure enough, on Tuesday, something incredible happened: the company posted great Phase 2 results for its new weight-loss drug.
The stock jumped 84% THAT DAY - and went on to deliver 190% gains for readers.
How did Dylan know the EXACT DAY shares would begin to make their massive move, days before it happened?
I soon found out.
There was no earnings announcement...
The company wasn’t taken over...
A hedge-fund didn’t buy a block of stock...
And no Wall Street analyst but a "BUY" recommendation on it. As a matter of fact, none of the big Wall Street firms even cover it. It’s too small.
So… what caused this massive price spike on that exact date?
According to Dylan, there’s a “glitch” in one of the most important U.S. Federal Government Processes…
A "loophole" that lets you legally know when the biggest trades of the year will be triggered – WEEKS before they happen.
That’s how Dylan knew the exact date Viking's share price would begin to move – long before it happened.
Simply speaking, this glitch is imbedded deep inside one of the most important agencies of the U.S. government.
Put another way..
There are a handful of trading days throughout the year that you can predictably make massive gains…
...and we owe it to one of the biggest agencies of the U.S. government.
What kind of gains can you make?
Dylan began looking at this glitch on March 1, 2018. He wanted to see how it impacted the prices of certain stocks.
Take a look at Axsome Therapeutics.
For years, Axsome’s stock traded below $5 a share. Nobody paid much attention to them.
But then – in January 2019 – something dramatic happened:
The stock jumped…rising 2,888% in just 18 months.
Most folks never saw this extraordinary move coming.
But what’s incredible is that you could have known about this movement MONTHS before anyone else.
It’s all thanks to the “glitch” I mentioned earlier. Here’s what happens:
The Federal Government releases a date, months in advance, which lets you know when certain stocks could quickly run up in price.
“Thanks so much, I am a real Dylan Jovine believer. I made so much money on BEAM and EDIT and PLTR it was crazy."
-- Allen K., Shelton, CT
In the case of Axsome Therapeutics, the date was January 7, 2019.
Smart investors knew about this date more than 3 months in advance.
Folks who invested $5,000 in Axsome… could be sitting on a windfall of $4.4 million!
Now you won't make profits like these with every trade.
But the profits Dylan has delivered would put a smile on anyone's face.
Dylan has developed a 3-point trading strategy that highlights the stocks that rise the fastest and highest in value.
In fact, over the past three years, Dylan’s strategy has delivered:
55.9% average profits on every closed trade.
That’s not hype, that’s not sales pitch, that’s FACT.
And do you want to know the best part? You’ll know exactly when each trade is expected to be triggered.
Let me show you what I mean…
Imagine knowing the EXACT dates stocks will begin to move?
And imagine if you knew these dates WEEKS IN ADVANCE?
Investing would become like a birthday or doctor’s appointment. You’d just put it on the calendar and wait for the day.
Dylan, you are the best & most accurate advisor I have ever used! I find you to be honest, kind & trustworthy & far above all other services in integrity. Keep up the great work.
--Rod G., Reno NV
The best part is you could unplug from watching the markets each day… you’d have no trade alerts to watch over… no earnings announcements to worry about … almost nothing to worry about.
All while collecting gains 5-10 higher than ordinary investors.
You could vacation in Europe for a whole month. Work on your golf game. Volunteer more at your Church. My point is that you could turn off your electronics and enjoy the real world, for the first time in years.
Sounds wonderful, right?
This lifestyle is no longer a fantasy. It really is possible – regardless of how much or how little you know about investing.
What’s most extraordinary about this situation, is that you’ll know the EXACT days most likely to deliver your biggest profits.
For instance, here are some upcoming dates on small biotech stocks you should mark on your calendar:
- Saturday, January 25, 2025
- Thursday, January 30, 2025
- Friday, January 31, 2025
Dylan Jovine knows about this “glitch” from first-hand experience. He learned about it as CEO of Wall Street investment bank, Lexington Capital Partners.
And during the past three years, he’s been using this strategy to make investors extraordinary returns.
But I have to warn you:
What you are about to learn may sound illegal to you.
But it’s not illegal. It’s just so rare that only a handful of investors even know about it. And most of them are industry professionals.
So how does this Federal glitch work, exactly?
Let me show you an example. It’s an opportunity Dylan used to make investors a lot of money the past three years.
1) We’ll tell you the when this Federal “glitch” will impact a specific stock.
2) You take down the date. Save it on your calendar. That’s the date these stocks begin to move.
3) Decide how much you want to invest. Wait for the date to hit. Then sit back and watch your money grow over the next 12 months.
Have you ever heard of Krystal Biotech?
It’s been one of the best performers the past three years.
On October 30th, 2018, long before Wall Street knew the company even existed, Dylan recommended the stock at $18.57 a share.
Soon after, the rest of the world learned what Dylan already knew –
That Krystal had invented the world’s first gene-therapy skin cream…and that this was a massive untapped market, potentially worth billions of dollars to the company…
Then something incredible happened…
After doubling in value during the next nine months, on June 24, 2019 the shares really soared.
In just 15 months, the stock shot up 275%.
What happened here?
Let me explain…
This “glitch” manifests itself in the form of a letter – sent from the Federal Government building located at 10903 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, Maryland…
It’s sent to certain publicly traded U.S. companies across America and around the world…
The Federal Building I’m referring to is the Food & Drug Administration. Most people know them as the FDA.
"I have only been a client of Dylan's BTM investment service and already up 50% on the actions we have taken."
--Dennis W., Ann Arbor, MI
The FDA’s job is to give final approval to any new drug prescribed to Americans. That means they say whether prescription drugs like Lipitor and Zithromax.
But most people don’t know the other big job the FDA has: they ensure the safety of our food supply.
Whether its beef from Arizona or mushrooms imported from China, the FDA regulates it all –
Bottled water…cosmetics…skin moisturizes. They even regulate microwave ovens!
And that’s how we have this opportunity…
The “glitch” I’ve been talking with you about – and the best opportunity for you to make money over the next 12 months…
You just write down the date…and watch the money pile up.
Here’s how it works…
Like most Federal bureaucracies, the FDA is bloated and inefficient.
Even before Covid-19, they had a long backlog of new drugs and treatments to review.
If you’re anything like me, we tend to hate the red tape of big government. But in this case, it can actually work in your favor. You can use it to consistently rack up big profits…in much faster time frames than ordinary investments.
Let me explain…
You see, during the review process for a new drug or medical treatment, the FDA will send out a particular type of letter (known in the industry as an "Approvable Letter" or a "Complete Response Letter") to the company that’s having its new treatment tested.
What most people don’t know is that getting one can have an immediate and dramatic impact on the share price.
This letter goes out at the conclusion of the review process. And if you know how to read these letters properly, they can make you a ton of money, very quickly.
Incredibly -
Now here’s the key: you could make a fortune if you just buy stock in these firms right after the "APPROVABLE LETTER" arrives.
It happens all the time in this industry.
The FDA mails a letter toward the end of its Review Process….
And savvy investors get rich:
There are countless examples like these in Dylan’s database.
So now the question is:
How do you know which stocks to buy? And when to buy them?
Let me explain…
It’s not surprising that a lot of people find this to be very unusual.
I was skeptical too.
In fact, I’d never heard of “Approvable Letters” before Dylan told me about them. And I certainly never knew you could make so much money from them.
So I asked him to show me exactly how these letters work. I needed to understand why so few people knew about them.
And that’s exactly what he did.
Dylan showed me his database – and this remarkable trading strategy.
It wasn’t long before I realized I was witnessing the most extraordinary trading strategy I’d ever heard of.
And that’s why I’ve rushed this letter to you, specifically.
Dylan and his team have a research service based on this breakthrough:
Called Biotech Insider, it tracks these "APPROVABLE LETTER" situations…and alerts you to upcoming trades, using Dylan’s proprietary 3-pronged strategy (you’ll see this in action in just a few moments).
And that’s why I’m writing to you today.
We now have a three year track record proving how powerful this investment strategy is.
1) At 24 years old, he’s one of the youngest people in American history to win Federal approval to launch Wall Street brokerage, Lexington Capital Partners.
2) Serial entrepreneur who sold two companies before he turned 40.
3) Proven 6-year biotech track record since launching on March 1, 2018.
That’s why we’re ready to go public with this FDA trading strategy very soon.
But for the next few days, we’re offering you first crack… an opportunity to get in before we launch Biotech Insider to the general public.
…For a 50% discount to what the general public will have to pay.
Now Dylan has 6 plays already lined up for you. But before I tell you what to expect from them…
Let me first answer a question you may have been asking yourself:
To begin with, only a handful of investors on earth know how to understand this phenomenon…
And it takes a unique skill to interpret the data on these letters correctly…and use that information to create a low-risk trading strategy… that’s been proven to work consistently during the past three years.
You see, what makes these “glitch” stocks so unique is that they seem to follow their very own set of rules.
"Other services take weeks or even months to respond but you respond in literally 5 minutes! You're AMAZING!!! Thx!!!"
--Mike M., Fishers, IN
Their shares trade in ways that defy typical financial analysis.
Take Seattle Genetics, for example.
Few Wall Street analysts were bullish on the company in 2018. It’s easy to see why. The company was hemorrhaging money. They lost money in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
But if they’d known how revolutionary the company’s new lymphoma drug was… they could have pocketed 258% profits after the company received an "APPROVABLE LETTER."
And that could be the reason these "Approvable Letter" are still such a secret. Only a relative handful of investors are even qualified to trade on them.
There’s another reason you’ve probably never heard of this unique situation until now…
I have Dylan’s trading calendar for the next three months in front of me right now.
On it is every single company scheduled to receive a letter from the FDA – all the way through the end of the year.
That’s 17 potential trades alone. And the next one is tomorrow!
Could every one of these stocks rise in value? It’s possible. But according to Dylan’s experience, it’s the small cap biotech stocks that rise the most in value.
That’s why he only recommends a fraction of these opportunities to invest in. He just focuses on the companies that meet his strict 3-step approach to investing in these kinds of stocks.
Naturally, that shrinks the list until only the best opportunities are left.
How does Dylan do it?
To begin with, Dylan focuses on small companies… stocks with market caps smaller than $1 billion.
The goal here is to cut Big Pharma companies right from the start.
Because it’s almost impossible for the stock of a big cap drug company to quickly double in price.
For example, Big Pharma giant Novartis received a letter from the FDA on August 20, 2020. And the stock gained $7.1 billion in value. But Novartis has a $200 billion market cap, so a move like that is just a drop in the bucket.
Let’s compare it to Ionis Pharmaceuticals, a small biotech company Dylan recommended in 2018.
He recommended the stock at $41 a share. Shares surged 77% after the company received their FDA letter.
That’s why Dylan focuses his attention on small and mid-cap biotech stocks. They have the potential to make the biggest moves.
There’s another very important reason Dylan focuses on the small biotech stocks that receive these letters from the FDA…
It’s because average investors have a significant advantage over large institutional investors like mutual funds. These tiny stocks are typically considered too small to research or invest in. The fact that these big firms are banned from investing in these stocks gives you an extraordinary advantage when investing in these companies.
His goal is to deliver the biggest possible returns for you over any 12-18 month period of time. He wants to see you get in, get paid, and get out as quickly as possible. Biotech Insider is, after all, a research service for traders.
By now you may be wondering how much you can expect to make with these FDA trades…and when the next opportunity is coming.
I’ll explain all the details in a moment. But first, let me tell you about one more amazing piece of this unique puzzle.
I’ve already proven to you how powerful trading these FDA Letters can be.
But wait until you hear about this additional profit opportunity…
There’s another way you can take advantage of this Federal “glitch”….
A way that can give your portfolio a massive 24-hour boost.
I’m talking about a way to book double-digit profits in less than a day trading these tiny “glitch” stocks…and that’s on top of the profits I’ve been telling you about.
I’m talking about takeovers.
You see, if a tiny biotech even looks like it’s going to get an "Approvable Letter," the company can become an attractive takeover target for Big Pharma.
For example:
Dylan recommended Array Biopharma after it received an Approvable Letter. It delivered 148% profits in one morning after it was taken over by Eli Lilly.
On October 1, 2018, Dylan recommended Tesaro, after it received an Approvable Letter. It delivered 91% profits before lunch when it was taken over by Glaxo.
On January 1, 2019, Dylan recommended Loxo Oncology after it received an Approvable Letter. Three days later it was taken over by Pfizer, delivering shareholders 78% profits in one morning.
Why do these Approvable Letter stocks become attractive takeover targets?
I don’t want to spoil the secret here. You’ll get immediate access to the full details on the Approvable Letter from Dylan’s recently published Biotech Insider trading Calendar.
Every new Biotech Insider member will get access to this calendar.
That’s the first thing you need to review if you want to take advantage of these trades. Inside, Dylan explains in great detail everything we’ve discussed so far:
I’m going to stop right now. Speaking plainly, we have three years of hard proof to back up our claims.
And as a new Biotech Insider member, you can get access to all this information immediately.
All you have to do is read it. Dylan does all the legwork. And once you’re ready to participate, all you have to do is write the Approvable Letter dates down…and trade when he sends you a recommendation.
But check out his Calendar as soon as possible. You want to be up to speed ASAP. There are 5 potential trades set to be triggered in the next 30 days.
The first is less than a month away…
On a specific day this month, the FDA will send a letter to a small Nasdaq listed biotech stock.
Dylan has known about this event for weeks now and here’s what he expects to happen…
On the first day, shares of this tiny company could spike between 15-20%. Soon after, if Dylan’s timing indicators fall into place, he’ll issue a “BUY” alert to you and your fellow Biotech Insider members.
How much can you make from this trade?
Here’s what Dylan had to say:
“This could be a 100% winner. But I’ll know much more after I read and analyze the exact letter.”
How can you profit from this trade?
What would be the point if he gave you profitable advice and you couldn’t use it?
That’s why we’ve devised an ultra-simple system for our members.
Each time you get an issue, all you have to do is four easy things:
It was designed to be that simple on purpose. All in all, it may take you 5 minutes to execute each trade. And that’s all you have to do. Leave the hard work to Dylan. Even if you don’t understand every aspect of our trades, that’s fine.
He will explain each and every move we make together as clearly as humanly possible. As his track record shows, you don’t have to worry about it.
This system has produced some of biggest winners for Biotech Insider members since we launched it on March 1st, 2018.
That’s five years of a documented track record to pore over.
And guess what? The numbers don’t lie:
That’s not hype, that’s not sales pitch, that’s fact.
So… how long after a company receives one of these letters should you wait before loading up on shares?
Well, I’m sure you’ll understand – this information is exclusively for members only.
But don’t worry.
The moment you join, you’ll find everything you might want to know about Dylan’s strategy in the Biotech Insider calendar.
It’s a master list of every letter scheduled for release this year.
And the EXACT DATES for each event.
Dude, your info is not only to the point but actionable. Rock on guy! I have 4 other investment services that pride themselves on long-winded useless information.
--Tee John
As soon as you become a Biotech Insider member, you’ll receive a calendar of potential trades – the EXACT DATES and ticker symbols of companies scheduled to receive letters from the FDA – all the way through March 31, 2025.
That’s 28 companies in total. Almost 2 companies a week.
Will Dylan recommend each one of these?
The reason Biotech Insider has such a good track record is because it’s very selective.
That’s the benefit of having such an exact trading strategy.
And the best way to profit from Dylan’s precise strategy is to follow the exact instructions you’ll receive as a Biotech Insider member.
But this list is for your eyes only. The only thing we ask is that you do not reveal the names on this list to anyone else.
We take this work seriously. Please do the same.
Having said that, if you’re pumped up and ready to start making intelligent investments in biotech....
Then let’s get started…
Claim your charter membership today to make sure you receive Dylan's latest calendar.
The last three years have proven that there’s simply no better way to make large gains consistently…with little risk.
The Federal Government tees everything up for you:
Here’s what you need to do to get started:
That’s all.
Sounds incredibly simple, I know. That’s exactly why we’re so excited at Behind the Markets about opening Biotech Insider to the general public.
And that’s why we’re offering you the opportunity to join Biotech Insider today – before we release Dylan’s strategy to a much bigger audience. That means you’ll pay much less than everyone else.
In the next few weeks – when we go public with Biotech Insider – the price will be much higher than what we’re offering you today.
As a Behind the Markets member, we want you to be happy. That’s why we’re giving you first crack at this. We believe this service will boost your net worth…and hopefully deepen our relationship. I have no doubt that you can make money from Dylan’s recommendations – no matter WHAT the market might be doing at the time.
So, for the next few days…we’re offering you the opportunity to claim a one-year membership to Biotech Insider for $1,497.
That’s 50% less than what we’ll ask everyone else to pay when we officially launch this new service.
You’ll have 30 DAYS to decide whether Dylan’s research is right for you. If for whatever reason you want to cancel your subscription in the first 30 days, just let us know. We’ll give you a full refund. After all, the success of our business as an independent financial publisher rests entirely on you.
If you like our work and think our investing strategy is right for you, then you stick with us and Biotech Insider continues to grow as a business.
So sign up today – claim your charter membership for the limited time we’re offering. And take the next 30 days to follow Dylan’s trades.
Here’s what you’ll receive as a Biotech Insider member:
To take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity, click here.
Simmy Adelman, Editor
Behind the Markets