Imminent FDA Decision Could End Obesity in America…
…and spark a 224,000% sales surge
for one tiny micro-cap stock.
“Could have a greater impact on the world than artificial intelligence.” – Channelnomics
“A goldmine for investors.” – BMO Capital
“A Gold rush.” – Wall Street Journal
Imminent FDA Decision Could
End Obesity in America…
…and spark a 224,000% sales surge for one tiny micro-cap stock.
“Could have a greater impact on
the world than artificial intelligence.”
– Channelnomics
“A goldmine for investors.”
– BMO Capital
“A Gold rush.”
– Wall Street Journal
Hi, my name is Dylan Jovine.
And what you see here is the birthplace of a ground-breaking new technology…
One that’s transforming the entire world around us.
It’s already changing the way companies like Amazon, Costco and Walmart are doing business.
NVIDIA is using this technology to help fund the world’s most advanced AI supercomputer…
And it’s so lucrative…
This new technology single-handedly saved Europe’s second biggest economy from slipping into a recession last year.
It’s making big waves in America too.
By some estimates, it could help save 400,000 lives – every single year…
And slash healthcare costs by a whopping $1.7 TRILLION…enough to save every American $4,182 per year.
Even better…
As a senior analyst at BMO Capital puts it: “[this tech] could be a goldmine for investors.”
Yet, as you’re about to see, this technology is radically different from anything that came before it. says it gives us “extrahuman abilities”…
And Business Insider reports, “it could change the economy as we know it.”
That’s why I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars of my own money…
And had my team spend dozens of hours investigating…
All to give you the “inside scoop” on this new breakthrough technology.
What we’ve discovered is incredible.
This new technology has already proven so important to our economy…
The Federal Government is backing it with $38 billion per year.
Senators from both the Republican and Democratic parties have just introduced a new law that could soon make this new tech available to 100 million Americans…
And the profit potential for early investors is mind-boggling.
According to Business Insider, this technology is set to grow 8,966% in the next four years…
Within six years…
It could be 100X bigger than ChatGPT, according to Goldman Sachs.
That’s massive.
And get this…
CNN says, only TWO companies worldwide have “cornered the market” for this new breakthrough.
They’re running what The Economist is calling a “duopoly”…
That means these two firms essentially control the entire market.
Now, what do you think that’ll do to share prices?
Even the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world says each of these two firms could soon rocket to $1 trillion market caps…
Joining the exclusive club of tech behemoths like Apple, Microsoft and Amazon.
And it’s already happening…
Stock prices have already started to take off.
Look, I started my career on Wall Street 30 years ago.
I’ve traded my way through the Dotcom boom and following bust…
The 2008 financial crisis…
And the following 12-year bull market in tech.
But in all this time, I have never been so convinced of an investment’s potential.
I firmly believe this technology will be the single best place to grow your wealth in the months and years ahead.
It’s like turning back the clock…
And buying a few shares of Microsoft back in the ‘80s…
Amazon in the ‘90s…
Apple in the 2000’s…
Or Tesla just a few years back.
Tesla alone created an entire army of millionaires…
They’re called “Teslanaires.”
And I believe the new breakthrough technology I’m tracking today could soon mint an entire new class of millionaires as well.
But you have to move fast.
Because, as we’ve seen in the past – the window of opportunity can be short-lived.
When a new technology comes along, the investors who get in before the masses get the biggest gains.
Take Tesla for example…
If you had invested $5,000 in Tesla in May 2019…
You could have seen your stake grow into as much as $155,400.
But the same $5,000 invested in January 2020 – just seven months later – would only be worth $44,200.
That’s still nothing to sneeze at.
But it’s $111,000 less!
One buys you a Hyundai Kona…
The other a brand-new Ford F-650 super truck.
That’s why it’s critical you take action immediately.
Because every day you wait you could be leaving money on the table.
I’ll share this investment with you today.
And the exact steps I recommend.
As you’re about to see, this bleeding-edge new technology is set to create $1.7 trillion in new wealth…
And as I’ve mentioned earlier…
Business Insider projects it will grow an astonishing 8,966% in the next four years alone.
Think about that.
If you can capture just a tiny fraction of those gains, it could be life-changing.
It could mean the difference between having to work for the rest of your life… or early retirement.
Having your kids drown in student loans… or paying for their entire college tuition.
It could also mean no mortgage. No more worries about rising healthcare costs and grocery prices.
Or, it could simply mean taking that luxury vacation you’ve always dreamed of.
How you want to spend those profits is up to you.
But the point is…
The right investment at the right time can set you up for life.
You only have to get it right once!
And I believe this new breakthrough technology has the potential to set you up for life.
Not just that…
It’s already changing the lives of millions of Americans, right now.
Folks like San Francisco resident Bharat V., who says this technology gave him an “unfathomable superpower.”
Lana R. from Colorado Springs says, “it’s the best thing that’s happened to me.”
And Edmonton native Susanne B. says it “has been life-changing.”
So what is the hype all about?
Let me show you…
Billionaires are Going “All In”
on this New Technology
For starters, it has NOTHING to do with AI.
And look, I get it.
AI has been dominating the financial news.
As you probably know AI investments are blazing hot right now.
Major companies – like Apple, NVIDIA, Tesla and Meta – are all incorporating AI into their business models.
And AI software like ChatGPT is exciting.
But here’s the thing…
What I’m about to share with you today – a new technology I call “Nexus” – is set to grow 100 times more than ChatGPT.
That’s massive!
That’s why Scott Galloway – an NYU Stern Business school professor who founded a $1 billion hedge fund – says Nexus could be bigger than ChatGPT.
And tech-expert Larry Walsh says, “it could have a greater impact on the world than Artificial Intelligence.”
Unfortunately, most Americans will miss out on this opportunity.
Because this story is getting drowned out by all the current hype around crypto, AI and whatever is “hot” in the market right now.
But guess who’s getting ready to take advantage?
Some of the wealthiest investors on the planet are piling into this new technology as we speak…
Ken Fisher invested $1.8 billion…
Jim Simons invested $1.7 billion…
George Soros invested $160 million…
Billionaire Theofanis Kolokotrones has invested $16 billion.
I believe they all see what’s coming.
A revolutionary technology that has the potential to change our entire economy…
And make early investors incredibly wealthy.
But you won’t hear about any of this on CNN or CNBC.
See, the mainstream financial media is so focused on AI and the “hot” trend of the day that this technology has gotten lost in the fuss.
They’re completely missing the much bigger story…
A new “Nexus” technology that could change the lives of 100 million Americans for the better…
All while handing early investors windfall profits.
But I believe this story won’t fly under the radar for much longer…
There is just too much happening around it.
And get this…
Demand for this new technology is so explosive…
The companies producing it simply can’t keep up.
Industry insiders expect this technology to be in short supply for all of 2024.
And reports “rich people are hogging [this technology]” making it harder to access for regular Americans.
Some folks even drive up to 1,000 miles just to get their hands on this technology.
Look, in all my time as an investor…
Including a career that spanned three decades on Wall Street…
I’ve never seen anything like this.
Even reports Nexus has “ignited a gold rush.”
And today I’d like to give you a chance to profit.
But you have to move fast.
Because we’re already entering the “liftoff” phase.
The “Lift Off”
You see, success in investing is all about timing.
Get in too early, you might wait for months or even years to make money…
But get in too late, and you might be losing money.
And that’s exactly why I’ve prepared this urgent briefing for you today…
Not last year. Not last month. Not next year either.
Because in every technological revolution there are 3 distinct stages.
And as an investor you have to be aware of these 3 stages.
They look like this…
And every major technological revolution goes through these same 3 phases…
It’s as reliable as clockwork.
First, there’s the innovation phase.
That’s when a technology is brand-new.
Most people haven’t heard about it yet.
And the only people who take notice are the hard-core geeks, the “techies”…
Next, comes the “lift off” phase.
That’s when a tech goes mainstream… and the masses start to flock in.
And finally, there’s the “saturation” phase.
That’s when everybody already knows about the new technology.
Now, here’s the thing…
Getting in on the “innovation” phase is risky…
You could wait for years for a breakthrough – or it might fail altogether.
The “saturation” phase on the other hand is very safe.
By that point the new technology is already established and has proven itself.
But at the same time, the biggest gains are already off the table.
That’s why you want to get in right here…
Right when an innovation starts to go mainstream.
That’s where investors can see the biggest gains…
In the shortest amount of time.
I don’t know of a safer and more reliable way to see potentially life-changing profits…
Than getting in right before a technology enters the “lift off” phase.
And that’s exactly where we are with “Nexus” today!
As I’m about to show you, Nexus is already going mainstream.
It’s entering its “lift off” phase.
In fact, you’ve probably heard about Nexus under a different name…
The Truth about Nexus Technology
You see, Nexus is the name I give to a new medical technology called “Glucagon-like Peptide 1”…
Or in short GLP-1.
This breakthrough medical tech is the driving force behind new “miracle” weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy.
And as I’m sure you know…
These new weight-loss drugs have been so popular, they’ve caused a gold rush on Wall Street.
Take Novo Nordisk, the company behind Ozempic and Wegovy, for example…
Shares have soared as high 492% in recent years…
In fact, this Denmark-based company has been making so much money on GLP-1…
It single-handedly saved the entire country from slipping into a recession last year.
And take Eli Lilly, the company behind another GLP-1 drug called Zepbound.
Zepbound sales are projected to triple this year alone…
And recent investors had a chance to see gains as high as 807%.
However, and this is important…
These stocks are NOT the best way to play the GLP-1 trend.
They’re trading at hundreds of dollars each…
The biggest money has already been made…
But the good news is…
There is another, and potentially much more lucrative way to play this GLP-1 trend.
I have identified a number of under-the-radar firms that are working on the next generation of GLP-1.
And I believe they could be much more profitable than the big, established players.
For one, they are TINY.
One of them is trading for only $6 right now.
So they can go a lot higher than massive stocks like NOVO and Eli Lilly.
And there’s a second, even more important reason…
You see, drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Zepbound are just the first generation of GLP-1…
A brand-new wave of weight loss drugs.
And as we’ve seen over and over in the past…
The first generation of a medical technology is usually NOT the most lucrative.
Take anti-cholesterol drugs for example.
For almost a decade, Pfizer dominated the market with a drug called Lipitor.
But in 2003 AstraZeneca launched a next generation anti-cholesterol drug called Crestor.
And look what happened to the stock price.
Shares soared as much as 932%.
Or take an obscure drug called Firdapse.
It’s used to treat a rare autoimmune disease called LEMS.
In 2018, Catalyst Pharma brought a next-generation of this drug to market.
And shares soared as high as 868%.
Or what about the diabetes drug market.
For years, an injection called Lantus dominated this market.
But in 2019 Mylan Pharma released a next generation diabetes drug…
And shares soared as much as 1,349%.
That last stock alone could’ve turned every $5,000 invested into $72,450.
That’s more than what the average American makes working all year!
Look, the bottom line is this…
If you’ve missed out on first movers like Novo Nordisk or Eli Lilly…
Don’t worry.
Because I’ve identified a number of tiny pharma companies which are on the verge of releasing the next generation of GLP-1 drugs.
And I believe those firms will be MUCH more lucrative.
In fact, they are so tiny (one of them is trading for just $6)…
I expect them to have real moonshot potential.
But you can’t put this off.
I expect the names of these two companies to be plastered on the frontpage of every major news outlet in America in the coming weeks…
And I’ll tell you more about that in a second.
But first, it’s crucial you grasp the incredible profit potential of GLP-1…
And why Goldman Sachs predicts it will grow 100X bigger than ChatGPT in the next 6 years.
Let me show you what I mean…
With GLP-1 The Weight Stays Off – Permanently…
See, most people who diet struggle to keep the weight off in the long run.
But with GLP-1 it’s different.
This medical technology mimics a hormone that tells our body when to feel “full.”
You could eat a small salad and feel like you just had a massive dinner.
It’s like a cheat code to control your weight.
As the Wall Street Journal reports, “no anti-obesity drug has ever safely made such a difference.”
The New York Times even called it a “miracle drug.”
That’s why GLP-1 has caused quite the buzz among celebrities and America’s 1%.
Oprah Winfrey…
Elon Musk…
Whoopi Goldberg…
Mark Wahlberg…
They’re all raving about it.
What’s incredible about GLP-1 is, it doesn’t just make you eat less.
It also gets you to make healthier food choices.
In fact, these new weight loss drugs are so powerful…
GLP-1 is Transforming Entire Industries
They’re starting to send shockwaves through entire industries.
For example, Walmart reports that GLP-1 users spend less on food purchases.
PepsiCo’s CEO admitted GLP-1 has an impact on the business…
And Barclays Investment Bank even recommended investors to short sell stocks for junk food companies…
Isn’t that crazy?
Since GLP-1 first hit the scene…
Shares in Krispy Kreme have tanked as much as 35%...
Nestle has lost up to 27%...
And Kraft Heinz has crashed a whopping 73%.
Look, I’m not saying GLP-1 will kill the fast food industry…
But it shows you how powerful this new wave of weight loss drugs is.
As the New York Times puts it, it’s “game-changing.”
Science Magazine has already awarded it the “breakthrough of the year”…
And Business Insider reports it could add $1.7 TRILLION to the U.S. economy.
Just take a look around you…
139 million Americans are considered obese.
That’s one in two people in our country.
It’s not just a health issue…
It’s costing our healthcare system a whopping $1.7 trillion a year, according to a Milken Institute study.
But GLP-1 can simply “switch off” obesity.
That’s why Congressman David Schweikert of Arizona says it could save the U.S. healthcare system trillions of dollars…
And even help curb the national debt.
Not to mention the trillions of dollars GLP-1 could add to its producers’ bottom lines.
That’s why I’m so excited about this historic breakthrough.
And remember, we’ve only seen the first generation of these drugs yet.
I’ve discovered two tiny firms working on the next generation of GLP-1 drugs…
Which could mint an entire new class of millionaires.
But you can’t wait on the sidelines…
Because GLP-1 is blowing up right now.
In fact, it reminds me a lot of ChatGPT that way.
The ChatGPT Of Biotech
See, what made ChatGPT so valuable…
Is the speed of growth of its user base.
ChatGPT hit the “100 million active users” milestone faster than any other consumer software in history…
And we’re seeing the exact same thing happen with GLP-1.
Recent surveys say, already one in eight Americans have tried GLP-1.
Morgan Stanley predicts within the next six years there will be 250 million prescriptions per year.
That kind of growth is unprecedented in the medical field.
To put that into context…
It took Zoloft 33 years to reach 38 million prescriptions per year…
It took Metformin 28 years to reach 92 million users per year…
And it took Lipitor, the best-selling drug of all time, a whopping 27 years to reach 114 million users per year.
GLP-1 is poised to more than DOUBLE those numbers…
All within the next six years.
Keep in mind, Lipitor is the best-selling drug EVER.
It’s still generating billions of dollars every year for its producer Pfizer…
And when it first hit the scene…
Early investors could’ve seen gains as high as 966%.
But that’s nothing compared to what we’re about to see with my GLP-1 moonshots.
I’ve mentioned this before…
GLP-1 is projected to grow 8,966% in the coming four years alone.
Within six years, it’s projected to be 100X bigger than ChatGPT.
And I believe two tiny firms will capture the majority of this upside.
Unfortunately, most Americans will miss out.
Because the mainstream media is all focused on the big players in this industry…
Novo Nordisk…
And Eli Lilly.
These names are all over the news.
But nobody has caught on to the tiny firms producing the next generation of GLP-1 yet.
And by the time the mainstream media does cach on…
The biggest gains will already be off the table.
See, these two tiny firms are so obscure…
I only stumbled upon them by accident.
Here’s how…
Medical Technology Saved My Life
In 2013, I became very sick.
It almost destroyed my life.
My work began to suffer.
I couldn’t think straight.
It wasn’t long before I had to resign from the company I founded.
It was horrifying.
And it took me two years and countless doctors until I finally found a solution.
I was desperate enough to enroll in an experimental gene-therapy program…
Instead of traditional medicines, my doctor customized treatments based on my personal test results.
And finally, I slowly started to get better again.
Of course, the investor in me took over. I started asking questions.
What company was behind these genetic tests?
Is the company publicly traded?
What other companies do this?
Are they publicly traded?
It led me to discover a tiny biotech firm that was producing these gene tests.
And look at this…
This firm recently soared as high as 1,798%.
But who else knows about this?
Have you ever heard of Pacific Bioscience?
Most people haven’t.
And yet, there’s an army of tiny biotech firms out there…
That are curing crippling diseases…
And handing life-changing windfalls to investors.
It’s almost like a secret bull market.
For example…
Did you know the best performing IPO of 2023 has NOTHING to do with crypto, AI or any other “hot” type of industry?
It was Jin Medical, an obscure Chinese biotech firm…
Jin Medical is behind a revolutionary new nano-thermal therapy bath.
Their products are a huge hit.
Shares soared over 3,000% last year alone!
Meaning, early investors could have seen their money grow 30-fold.
But have you ever seen CNN, Fox Business or NBC tell about Jin Medical?
I haven’t.
In my experience the mainstream media is too focused on the “hot” topic of the day…
And by the time they tell you about an investment story…
The biggest gains are already off the table.
That’s why I’m pounding the table on GLP-1 today.
Look, after my eyes were opened to the amazing profit potential in medical technology…
I started to dig deep into this sector.
And my readers had a chance to lock in winner after winner.
Take a look at this…
449% on Immunogen…
414% on ChemoCentryx…
107% in just two months on Casi Pharmaceuticals…
281% on Krystal Biotech…
And many, many more.
I believe the next generation of GLP-1 could produce bigger winners than all of those – combined.
It’s by far the biggest trend in medical technology that nobody’s talking about.
This sector is projected to grow 8,966% in the next four years…
And I’ve identified two tiny “next-gen” firms that I believe will capture the majority of this upside.
I hope you will take advantage.
The way I look at it…
Life is too short to struggle.
Shouldn’t we spend more time enjoying ourselves… spending time with loved ones and friends?
I think so.
And the right GLP-1 investments could hand you all that… and more.
I’ve shown you all the proof… all the research… and the big players getting involved in GLP-1.
At this point, you have a decision to make.
What will you do?
Will you take action…
Or let this 8,966% growth opportunity pass you by?
Now, you could simply buy the big players in this industry…
Novo Nordisk or Eli Lilly.
And don’t get me wrong…
These are great stocks.
I’ve recommended them to my readers…
And they’re already up 73% and 105%.
But I believe by far the biggest gains will come from two tiny companies…
Which are working on the next generation of GLP-1.
I consider them true GLP-1 moonshots.
Let me show you why I’m so excited about them…
My #1 GLP-1 Takeover Target
First, there is my #1 GLP-1 Takeover Target.
This one could be by far the most lucrative way to play this GLP-1 megatrend.
It’s TINY…
Right now you can still scoop up shares for only $8.
That’s almost 20X cheaper than Novo Nordisk…
And 100X cheaper than Eli Lilly.
But I don’t expect share prices to stay this low for long.
Because it fixes a major problem we see in the first generation of GLP-1 drugs.
You see, Ozempic… Wegovy… Zepbound…
They all make you lose body weight.
But they also cause significant muscle loss.
“Muscle loss can be a significant concern for individuals using those injectable medications.” – Pandya Medical Center
One recent study has shown that almost 40% of the weight loss from these first generation GLP-1 drugs comes from muscle decline.
That’s a big problem…
Because muscle mass prevents us from injuries and illness.
And that’s where my first GLP-1 moonshot comes in.
This tiny firm recently had a major breakthrough…
Clinical studies show muscle loss from its new GLP-1 drug has been cut almost in half.
Unlike the first generation GLP-1 drugs…
This next generation produces the same results you would expect from diet and exercise programs…
Without losing excess muscle mass.
That’s huge!
Bloomberg reports “[this firm] can address a problem obesity drugmakers have been racing to solve.”
And that’s why I believe it’s just a matter of time before this tiny company gets bought out by one of the big pharma giants.
It’s not just me.
The Globe & Mail reports an acquisition would be the “most obvious outcome.”
And when that happens, the share price will go ballistic.
We’ve seen this over and over again.
For example, a while back I urged my readers to buy shares in a tiny firm called Tesaro…
One of its new drugs was about to get covered by Medicare…
And Tesaro got bought out by GlaxoSmithKline.
As a result, shares jumped 91% in one morning.
Or Loxo Oncology, another tiny firm I recommended to my readers…
Loxo got bought out by Eli Lilly…
And when that happened, shares jumped 71% in one morning!
In some cases the gains can be even higher.
A while back I recommended Array Biopharma to my readers.
Array got bought out by Pfizer for one of their new cancer drugs…
And when that happened, shares jumped 148% IN A DAY.
Think about that.
It would take the S&P 500 almost 15 YEARS to go up that much.
But Array did it in a single day.
That’s why I love these takeover stocks.
They give you a chance to compress years or even decades worth of gains…
Into months… weeks… sometimes just days.
And look, I’m not trying to brag…
But I consider myself one of America’s foremost experts on picking takeover stocks.
I’ve done it since my Wall Street days in the early ‘90s.
In fact, I’ve been so successful at picking takeover stocks…
At just 23 years old, big Wall Street funds bankrolled me to start my own brokerage firm.
I’ve uncovered hundreds of takeover stocks over the past 30 years…
And I’m telling you…
This tiny GLP-1 moonshot is ripe for a buyout.
The good news is, you don’t need to bet the farm.
You can still scoop up shares in this firm for just $8.
And with explosive “moonshot” plays like this one, even tiny amounts can potentially hand you outsized gains.
But you can’t put this off.
Because big Wall Street hedge funds are buying huge positions in this company as we speak.
BlackRock bought a million shares…
Morgan Stanley bought over 2 million shares….
Vanguard scooped up a whopping 3 million shares.
So I suggest you take a position in this stock immediately.
And then get ready for …
A second tiny GLP-1 moonshot which could hand early investors windfall gains…
This firm is solving another major issue with first generation GLP-1 drugs.
You see, there’s another big issue with first-generation GLP-1 drugs…
They all have to be injected.
Injections are painful…
They’re inconvenient…
And they’re also EXPENSIVE.
One dose of Ozempic, for example, costs almost $1,000.
Senator Bernie Sanders even launched an investigation into Ozempic…
Because of its “outrageously high prices.”
Now, however you feel about Bernie Sanders…
The fact is, high prices are already becoming a major issue for first generation GLP-1 drugs.
Several companies have dropped them from their healthcare plans because they simply can’t afford the coverage.
Some health insurers even plan to raise their premiums…
Just because of the high demand for GLP-1.
And that’s where my GLP-1 moonshot #2 comes in.
It’s a tiny company that’s on the verge of an incredible breakthrough…
It could soon be the world’s first company to release a GLP-1 drug in pill form.
That’s huge!
A new GLP-1 pill could radically slash prices compared to injections…
USA Today reports “the next major innovation coming to [GLP-1] will be pills with the effectiveness of injectables at potentially far lower costs.”
And this tiny firm could soon be the world’s first to bring a GLP-1 pill to market.
Even better…
This firm has entered what I call the “money zone.”
You see they just finished Phase 1 clinical trials for their GLP-1 drug…
And is now moving into Phase II.
And in my experience, that’s the most lucrative time to invest in biotech stocks.
You see, every drug has to go through three stages of clinical trials before they can be approved by the FDA.
A lot of drugs fail to clear Phase I or Phase III.
But as reports…
“Phase II is often the most profitable time to be involved in a small cap biotech stock. Many times, Phase II results are positive.”
The gains in this phase can be enormous.
Just take a look at these firms…
KHRN 3,180%...
AXSM 1,358%
CVSI 9,150%...
However, I’ll remind you once again…
If you wait until the mainstream media catches on, it will be too late.
You’ll miss out on the biggest gains.
If you don’t take action today…
That means you could be leaving up to 10X gains on the table.
You could lose the chance to walk away with a nest egg over the coming year.
That’s why I’ve put together a brand-new special report.
It’s called "100X Bigger Than ChatGPT – Two Moonshot Plays for 1,000%+ Gains."
Inside, you’ll discover the names of these two companies and their ticker symbols.
If you take action today, there’s still time to get in before they start their big moves up.
I’d like to rush you a copy of this report immediately…
At no cost to you.
Why I Left Wall Street Behind
Listen, I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth.
Instead, I grew up in a humble apartment in Queens, New York.
We lived right by Shea Stadium, far from the high society of New York.
My mom was a single mom.
She waited tables during the day and went to school at night.
So I learned at a very young age what it’s like to work hard.
And I never forgot the value of a dollar.
I didn’t go to an Ivy League school - I went to city college.
But thanks to a childhood friend I caught a lucky break and got a job at a boutique Wall Street firm…
Where I fell in love with researching stocks.
I couldn’t believe people got paid to do this.
Within three years I earned a reputation for picking stocks right before they were taken over…
And that’s how I became one of the youngest people in American history to launch a registered broker-dealer…
At just 24 years old!
Our office was at 100 Wall Street.
Today I’m in a much different position…
Some people shake their heads when they hear that I left Wall Street to publish independent financial research.
After all, I could still be making millions selling my research to big Wall Street funds.
But to me, it’s very simple…
If I help some Wall Street big shot make another $100 million, it doesn’t really change much.
Maybe that guy will buy a bigger yacht.
But if I help everyday Americans get into explosive investment opportunities like GLP-1…
The results can be life-changing!
It could mean early retirement…
Paid-off mortgages…
More time to spend with your family and loved ones…
That’s why I left Wall Street behind.
Look, the thing is…
I’ve already made my money.
And I’ve tried to retire before.
But it wasn’t for me…
And I didn’t want to go back to managing rich people’s money either…
That’s why I started my own publishing firm, Behind the Markets.
It lets me share my most explosive investment ideas with everyday Americans…
We’re talking about hedge-fund level research that’s usually reserved for Wall Street elites.
And so far, it’s been working out great…
More than 100,000 people follow my work.
That’s more people than fit in the MetLife Stadium… which is right across the bridge from where I grew up.
And the feedback I’m receiving from my readers has been amazing…
“I’m UP $5,400. I cannot tell you how happy I am. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!”
– Cindy B.
“Dylan: You are the best & most accurate investing advisor I have ever used! Keep up the great work.”
– Rod G.
“Thanks so much, I am a real Dylan Jovine believer. I made so much money on BEAM and EDIT and PLTR it was crazy.”
– Allen K.
I love receiving notes like these.
And my mission at this point is to change as many financial lives as possible.
That’s why I’d like to give YOU the chance to get in early on the 8,966% GLP-1 boom.
If you missed out on the millionaire makers like Microsoft in the ‘80s…
Amazon in the ‘90s…
Apple in the 2000s…
Or more recently, Tesla….
GLP-1 could be your second chance.
This is a RARE opportunity to get in on the ground floor…
And claim a stake in the 8,966% GLP-1 boom…
So why not take advantage?
Here’s what I recommend you do today:
Simply try out my VIP investment service Biotech Insider RISK-FREE.
Once you sign up for a trial-membership, I’ll immediately rush you my GLP-1 report…
At no extra cost.
You could have my top GLP-1 recommendations in your inbox just minutes from now.
And there’s so much more…
Introducing: Biotech Insider
At Biotech Insider we hunt for tiny firms that produce drugs with blockbuster potential.
Stocks that are so far ahead of their competitors, they can change a market…
Stocks that can put 1,000% and more in your pockets in just months…
Simply put, my goal with Biotech Insider is to share the most explosive opportunities in the biotech sector with you…
Stocks that can change your life.
Like one tiny biotech stock we recently sold for a 178% profit in just 23 days!
For context, it would take the S&P 500 17 YEARS to rise that much.
But with the stock recommendations in Biotech Insider you can compress years’ worth of gains into months… weeks… sometimes just days.
And I want to make it as easy as possible for my readers.
That’s why, every month, I select one new investment recommendation.
In each issue, I’ll explain everything you need to know about the investment.
Why I chose it…
How high it can go…
And at what price you should buy it.
In just 15 minutes per month, you’ll have everything you need to follow along and profit.
And there’s an another welcome gift when you try out Biotech Insider today…
My #1 AI Healthcare Stock
See, most people don’t know this…
But getting new drugs approved by the FDA is incredibly expesnive and time consuming.
On average, the entire process takes 10-15 years…
And costs anywhere from $1 to $2 billion.
Even worse, 90% of new drugs fail.
But AI is changing that at a rapid pace.
One tiny biotech firm recently used AI to take an entirely new drug from zero to pre-clinical trials in just 18 months…
At the cost of only $2.6 million.
That’s a fraction of the time and money it would usually take!
Another biotech firm used AI to come up with a new antibody protein that was impossible to be designed by humans.
As they put it “three years ago we would not have tried.”
The bottom line is, AI will revolutionize the biotech sector…
And unlock incredible profit opportunities for early investors.
Even NVIDIA’s CEO Jensen Huang admits biotech will be the “next amazing revolution” for AI.
In fact, he said “this is going to be flat out one of the biggest ones ever.”
And that’s where my #1 AI Healthcare stock comes in.
It’s a tiny biotech firm that’s building an AI platform which can look at billions of molecules in a single day…
A process which would take a typical lab several years to accomplish!
This firm already has partnershps with some of the biggest pharma giants in the world, including Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly and more.
Even NVIDIA partnered up with their proprietary AI platform!
And remember, NVIDIA soared over 1,600% by dominating AI chips…
I believe this tiny firm could achieve a similar position in biotech…
It has the potential to wipe out countless diseases…
And potentially hand life-changing gains to early investors.
Best of all, it’s still cheap!
But I don’t believe it will fly under the radar for much longer.
Because big Wall street institutions like BlackRock, Vanguard, and JP Morgan have been buying as many shares as they can.
That's why I put together a second report with all the details: the name… ticker symbol… and an in-depth analysis in your free bonus: "End of Disease? The AI Company Revolutionizing Medicine."
And this report is yours, as an additional welcome gift, when you join Biotech Insider today.
How to Get Started
Here’s how you can try out Biotech Insider RISK FREE…
Simply click the button saying “YES, I Want In!”
Once you click it, you’ll be taken to a secure order form.
Here you can review the details of your trial membership.
Simply put, you’ll get:
In just a minute I’ll send you a special password…
That gives you access to our entire archive of special reports.
And there’s one more big benefit…
I’ll add you to my exclusive “Market Alert” list.
When something big happens in the markets that could affect my recommendations, you’ll be the first to know.
These Wall Street Funds Used to Pay me $30,000… EACH!
So let’s talk about price.
If I sold these reports on their own, I could easily be charging over $30,000 for the full package.
In fact, during my Wall Street days, big hedge funds used to pay up to$30,000 for research reports like these… EACH!
But the good news is…
Today you can get access to the same hedge-fund level research for a fraction of that.
I want regular people, hard working people like my mother, to get access to these kinds of opportunities.
That’s why I’ve set my retail price for Biotech Insider at just $2,997.
That’s for an entire year.
Frankly, it’s a steal.
You could make that money back – and then some – with just my GLP-1 recommendations.
But here’s the thing…
You reviewed this entire briefing.
Which shows me you are serious about this opportunity.
And I don’t want price to get in the way of you making a fortune.
That’s why I’d like to offer you an exclusive, one-time-only discount.
If you sign up today – you can lock in a full year of Biotech Insider for only $1,497.
Simply click the button that says “YES, I’m In!”
Now, here’s the thing…
I can’t guarantee this special offer will last.
There’s Not Much Time Left…
Simply because we only have a very short amount of time…
Maybe just days…
Before the GLP-1 stocks I’ve discovered take off.
See, 2024 is a massive year for GLP-1.
We’ve already seen how Amazon started offering GLP-1 to its 230 million customers.
Costco started offering GLP-1 to its 100 million customers at a steep discount.
1 in 8 Americans has already tried GLP-1…
And that’s just from the first generation of GLP-1 drugs.
Industry insiders say a second generation of GLP-1 could be even more powerful.
Demand for GLP-1 has already soared 40X over the past 5 years…
But the biggest gains are yet to come.
According to Business Insider, GLP-1 is poised to soar 8,966% in the coming years…
Within six years, it will be 100X bigger than ChatGPT.
By that time it will be too late.
All the biggest gains will be off the table.
Believe me… you don’t want to look back six years from now…
Knowing you missed out on the profit opportunity of a lifetime.
You do NOT want that kind of regret in your life.
That’s why I recommend you take a position NOW…
Before these catalysts shift GLP-1 from “low” to “high” gear.
The Choice Is Yours – And I Respect Your Decision Either Way…
I can’t make that decision for you.
But I’m sure you’ll make the right call for yourself and your family.
It’s time to wrap this up…
I hope you’ve enjoyed this briefing.
And, more importantly, I hope you take action.
GLP-1 could mint an entire new class of millionaires…
And I’d love to see YOU as one of them.
The best way to do that is to simply try out Biotech Insider.
See the facts for yourself…
And discover how my readers were able to beat the S&P 500 4-to-1…
And the average investor by more than 40 times!
Simply click the button below that says “Yes, I Want In!”
You’ll be taken to a secure order form where you can lock in your 50% discount.
I recommend you take this $1,500 and invest it in GLP-1!
And to make sure there is absolutely no risk on your end…
You’re covered by my 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
The way it works is simple…
Take the next 30 days to discover Biotech Insider at your leisure.
Check out the back issues…
Read the special reports…
If for any reason whatsoever you’re not 100% satisfied…
Simply reach out to my Florida-based customer support team.
They’ll immediately refund you every penny of your membership fee.
No questions asked.
And no hard feelings.
Look, you’ve seen all the facts…
You’ve seen the incredible 8,966% growth potential of GLP-1.
You’ve seen how it will be 100X bigger than ChatGPT within the next six years.
And you’ve seen how two tiny firms are positioned to capture the lion’s share of this explosive growth.
Now it’s up to you.
As Mark Twain said: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
Unfortunately most people never even get started.
This is our chance to get in on a 8,966% growth story.
And it’s already starting to take off.
Ken Fisher invested $1.8 billion…
Jim Simons invested $1.7 billion…
George Soros invested $160 million…
Billionaire Theofanis Kolokotrones has invested $16 billion.
Celebrities including Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey and Mark Wahlberg are raving about it.
I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars… and had my team put in dozens of hours of research…
Just to boil it down to the absolute best plays.
Two stocks that have cornered 90% of the GLP-1 market…
And a tiny “moonshot” play that got fast-tracked by the FDA to release the next generation of GLP-1.
Simply take Biotech Insider for a spin…
Take a look at my research.
It only takes 30 seconds to complete your order.
And there is absolutely no risk on your end.
Either way, however you decide – it’s your choice.
And I respect your decision.
I’m sure you’ll make the right call for yourself and your loved ones.
Thank you for joining me today.
“The Buck Stops Here”