

Starting March 1st, Elon’s new AI venture could create
10 TIMES MORE American millionaires than Tesla did…

Here’s the backdoor way to play Musk’s private AI startup…

Elon Musk… 

The richest…

And most controversial man alive.

In the past few years, Elon pulled off what few entrepreneurs in history have done.

He turned countless Americans into millionaires.

Like Bob, a civil engineer…

Mary, a small business owner…

And Brandon, a video editor…

ALL new millionaires thanks to Elon Musk.

How’d he do it?

With this…

Shares in Tesla have soared over 15X in the past 5 years alone.

For everyday Americans, Tesla was a historic wealth creator.

Bloomberg even created a new word to describe this: “Teslanaire.”


Elon’s next move – what I call his final move – will be much, much bigger.

I reckon that it could create 10 times MORE new millionaires than Tesla did.

I’m talking about Elon’s new AI startup.

You see it in action every day.

Artificial intelligence is driving passengers at 65 mph down busy highways.

Millions of passengers trust it with their lives.

And what you see here is just the beginning.

Because Elon’s new venture will redefine everything we know about AI…

And could create a whole new army of millionaires.

THIS is the AI story no one’s telling.

If you missed the huge move in Tesla stock…

Or the big AI gains that we’ve seen recently…

Don’t worry.

Because I believe you have ONE more chance…

With the #1 AI stock that I’ll detail today.

It’s a backdoor way to play Elon’s private AI startup.

If you make just one stock market move right now…



My name is Dylan Jovine…

I started off as one of the youngest market makers in Wall Street history — in the same league as Goldman Sachs veterans while I was still in my 20s.

And now, I’ve been in this industry for 30 years.

But it’s not like I had a leg up…

I grew up poor.

I didn’t go to an Ivy League school, or any of the top ‘Wall Street feeders’ like Penn, Columbia, Harvard, or even NYU.

None of the big firms wanted anything to do with me, honestly.

That is — until another “outsider” like myself stepped in…

None other than Peter Jacquith — the man who saved New York City from bankruptcy in the 1970s.

Peter was my mentor and an inspiration — and I wasn’t going to let him down.
I worked my tail off, reading books on investing, cultivating every connection I could make, learning the history of entire sectors.

I loved it. I still do.

That’s how I was able to spot the AI trend early, way back in 2018…

And show my readers gains like:

  • 339% on Intelsat…
  • 129% on Axon Enterprises…
  • 126% on Meta…
  • 133% on C3.AI Inc…
  • 120% on Aerovironment…
  • 114% on ON Semiconductor…
  • 202% on Oscar Health…
  • 408% on Palantir…
  • Even 502% on Rocket Lab Inc….

And I don’t just focus on specific winning plays.

I can see the big picture too.

My market predictions got me invited onto Fox Business…

And even into the White House – where I got to rub shoulders with President Bush.

For example, I predicted the 2008 financial crisis – over a year in advance.

In 2020, right during the Covid Crash, I predicted a market reversal – just eleven days before the S&P 500 bottomed out.

S&P 500 2020

In 2021 I predicted China and Russia would drag the world into a new cycle of war – seven months before Putin invaded the Ukraine.

But as impressive as that may be…

I’ve got a confession.

I’m NOT here today because I’ve made a lot of money in the markets.

I’m NOT another deskbound "stock jockey" jumping on the AI bandwagon.

In fact, I don’t even think the so-called “experts" know what they’re talking about.

Because I’ve done what these “experts” can’t imagine.


Just like the world’s top 9 billionaires…

And the world’s top 5 hedge funds…

I make AI make ME money.

I use it every day for my publishing business.

It’s helped me make millions of dollars over the years.

I bought a house and supported my family with that AI cash.

Bottom line: I know how AI brings REAL value to companies… and what is just overblown hype.

And that gives me a unique insight into Elon’s historic new AI startup.


And Elon’s got one heckuva story.

Tesla revolutionized the car business.

Making Elon the world’s richest man…

Before Tesla, Elon started PayPal…

The online payment tech that paved the way for Amazon and Google’s dominating businesses…

And don’t forget…

Elon also blasts rockets into space.

Those stunning breakthroughs are well known.

But very few people know that Elon’s also an AI pioneer.

In fact, you can see him as the George Washington of modern AI.

Elon bought into AI company DeepMind at the angel stage in late 2010.

Google scooped up DeepMind for $650 million four years later.

Even though Elon said his aim with DeepMind was to understand AI…

Not to make money…

He still pulled in a 13X return on his angel stake.

That wasn’t Elon’s biggest move as an AI pioneer…

Because he co-founded OpenAI, the company that launched ChatGPT.

I’m sure you’ve heard of ChatGPT… or even used it!


ChatGPT is the fastest growing technology in history…

Hitting 1 million users in 5 days…

And 100 million in two months.

Just how fast is that?

It took the internet 7 years to reach 100 million users.

So ChatGPT grew 42 times faster than the internet.

With ChatGPT, Elon showed the world that he can create a dominating AI company…

And he aims to do it again with his new, more powerful AI startup.


In fact, Elon’s new AI venture could be 100 TIMES BIGGER than ChatGPT.

Here’s why…

ChatGPT, as impressive as it is, just works online.

It reads words… sums them up…

And spits out other words.

Pretty impressive, for sure.

And yet… You can’t see ChatGPT.

You can’t touch it.

Compare that to Elon’s AI breakthrough…

It’s driving millions of passengers every year.

That’s why Elon’s AI is far, far more impressive than ChatGPT.

Because it works in the world.

You can see AND touch it.

It’s real.

And that’s why Elon’s new AI project will put ChatGPT to shame…

Becoming, I anticipate, 100X bigger and better, in every way.

Here’s the thing: AI’s not just developing at light speed…

It has profound implications on your way of life.

As Bill Gates recently said…

“AI will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care, and communicate...”

In short, AI will revolutionize how we live… invest… and retire.

For a quick example, let’s look at health care…

Which makes up almost 20% of the U.S. economy.

The AI-driven medical advances are simply miraculous…

Ann Johnson, a teacher, volleyball coach and mom, had a stroke at age 30.

Ann was paralyzed.

And AI helped her talk to her husband again.

Keith broke his neck in a tragic pool accident 3 years ago.

Keith was quadriplegic.

AI helped him move his arms again.

Those are miraculous breakthroughs for Ann, Keith, and their loved ones.

And it gets bigger…

Because AI’s already improving other sectors.

Including the world’s largest industry: agriculture.

AI helps farmers grow more food at a lower cost, making them as much as $127 billion in extra revenue in the coming years.

It gets even bigger than farming…

Because AI has taken over the oil industry.

92% of the world’s oil companies have gone all-in on AI.

Shell has 160 active AI projects…

ExxonMobil used AI to pinpoint where to drill in Guyana…

And the world’s biggest gold miner used AI to boost exploration results by 400 times.

So you can see why PricewaterhouseCoopers says that the AI industry will boost local economies by 26%...


Adding a massive $16 trillion to the world’s economy.

That’s like adding a whole new China’s worth of wealth to the world.

That’s why Elon Musk’s all in on AI.

So’s Jeff Bezos and Amazon…

Bill Gates and Microsoft…

And Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook…

The heaviest hitting billionaires alive.

And you guessed it: They’re not alone.


Because 9 out of 10 of the world’s richest billionaires are already using AI to get richer.

Just like I do.

These 9 men, who could all fit in a small private jet…

Control over $1.2 trillion in wealth.

That’s more than the GDP of filthy-rich Saudi Arabia.

And yes, this group of top AI billionaires includes conservative Warren Buffett…

Famous for saying he doesn’t “get” technology.

Uncle Warren changed his mind.

Because right now, he has almost HALF of Berkshire’s enormous portfolio in AI-related stocks…

And thanks in part to the phenomenal rise of AI…

Buffett’s Berkshire stock has done quite well…

The stock more than doubled over the past few years…

Which is incredible considering one share of Berkshire Hathaway costs almost $700,000.

And it’s not just 90% of the world’s richest billionaires who’ve gone all-in on AI…


Because every single one of the top 5 hedge funds in the world uses AI to make more money.

Just like I do.

In total, these 5 funds manage $871 billion.

The top one, Citadel, cranked out $16 billion in pure profits last year.

Bloomberg called it, “the largest annual return for a hedge fund manager.”

The runner up fund, Bridgewater, uses AI to manage nearly $200 billion for central banks, pension funds and governments.

Let’s add it all up…

  • 9 out of the world’s top 10 billionaires…
  • Every single one of the top 5 hedge funds…
  • Yours truly…
  • And Elon Musk…

We’re all in on AI.

That’s why I hope you’ll join us.

The best way to get started is with what I call "Elon Musk’s #1 AI stock."


Now we can’t know for sure, because Elon Musk can be very secretive…

But I anticipate that this great AI stock will supply Elon’s new AI startup. I’ll show you why.

And the catch is that Elon’s AI venture is still private.

So unless you’re a big bucks friend of Elon, you can’t get in.

That’s why this one AI stock is the perfect backdoor way to play Elon’s huge move into AI.

And the smart money’s paying attention.

Already 19 different billionaires have piled in...

So have 91 different hedge funds…

And the two biggest asset management firms in the world…

Just how much can you make thanks to Elon’s new AI startup?

Consider Elon’s stunning track record.

Let’s see how much wealth he has helped normal Americans build over the past few years…


So far, Elon has created THREE enormous millionaire-making events.

He first did it with PayPal, the revolutionary online payment engine.

Now we do it every day, so it seems normal…

But sending and receiving money on the internet was a super new idea twenty years ago.

Back then, folks still mailed checks to buy stuff online.

PayPal solved that problem, making online payments instantaneous, trusted, and safe.

When PayPal went public, it became the best IPO of the year…

And early investors could’ve bagged jaw-dropping gains of 59,500%.


Then Elon did it again with his rocket startup, SpaceX.

He started SpaceX with the bag of cash he made from PayPal.

When it launched in 2002, SpaceX had a valuation of $27 million.

Now it’s worth $150 billion.

That’s a stunning 5,500X increase…


Sure enough, Elon Musk did it again…

With Tesla.

Which soared more than 38,000%...

That’s an incredible run of wealth creation from Elon.

Let’s add it up…

With three $100 bills…

The price of a fancy dinner… or a flight from New York to Fort Lauderdale…

With this small stake…

Elon made far more than half a million bucks.

If that sounds unbelievable, that’s because it IS unbelievable.

For one man to create so much wealth.

Three times in a row.


Yet it happened.

Like lightning striking the exact same place.

Three times in a row.

Now you see why Elon Musk is the richest man in the world.

Of course, we can’t say for sure that his next venture will create that type of wealth again.

Here’s the only question that matters right now:

Can Elon make lightning strike a FOURTH time?

Can he create another army of American millionaires?

I say, yes he can.

With his new AI startup.

And look, if you missed Elon’s first 3 millionaire making moves…

With online payments… spaceships… and electric cars…


Because you have one last chance with AI.

Right now, you’re witnessing the birth of a radically new world.

All thanks to this breakthrough, artificial intelligence…

As Google’s CEO said…

One of the greatest scientists of our age, the late Stephen Hawking, said that “AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilization."

Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban said, “I think AI is the greatest advancement in the history of mankind.”

Cuban added… “the world’s first trillionaire will come from somebody who masters AI…”

Elon’s already the world’s richest man… so I gotta assume he wants to become history’s first trillionaire.

That’s why you should hitch your boat to Elon’s AI startup now… because now’s the time to become an AI millionaire.

And the best way to get started is with what I call "Elon Musk’s #1 AI stock."


A small stake in this huge trend could really move the needle on someone's retirement.

If AI pays out half of the wealth that the internet has… just half…

Then investors can’t afford to miss out.

And let’s be frank: AI will likely create much more wealth than the internet.

For one, because AI’s growing 42 times faster than the internet…

And two, because AI will spread further into every sector of the economy…

If AI improves our lives, grows and creates wealth at just a fraction at the expected pace…

EVERY smart investor needs to get involved now.


Before I reveal the rest of the details on Elon’s #1 AI stock, I need to hit the elephant in the room.

What if AI ends up being a terrible thing?

I’m sure you’ve seen the doom and gloom stories.

That AI will take too many jobs… crash the markets… and bring socialism…

That’s garbage.

Let me show you why AI will do the complete opposite.


Think about innovation.

The discovery of electricity…

The printing press…

The creation of the assembly line…

Or, more recently, the internet.

In addition to creating immense wealth, innovation ends old business models.

In short, innovation destroys.

But then, something miraculous happens.

That destruction delivers freedom. Destruction gives birth to wealth and opportunity.

That’s why economists and lawyers call this kind of innovation “Creative Destruction.”

And it’s not just a useful economic theory… because investors have gotten rich with it, as well.


One of the best examples is the saga of Blockbuster and Netflix.

I’m sure you remember Blockbuster…

You’d have to trek to a brick-and-mortar store…

Stroll through the aisles to find a movie that’s not already rented out…

And then deal with a bored, teenage cashier.

Who can forget the nightmare late fees?

A guy named Reed Hastings got fed up after he paid a $40 late fee and started Netflix.

Netflix destroyed Blockbuster in 6 short years.

Netflix let you rent DVDs from your home… And you could watch them at your leisure.

No late fees.

Then, in 2007, Netflix launched a streaming service.

And today, they make their own movies and series.

They’ve won a boatload of Emmy and Oscar awards.

Netflix creatively destroyed Blockbuster.

Blockbuster went bankrupt.

And the stock fell like a rock.

At its peak, Blockbuster had 9,000 stores and over 50 million members.

Today, one lonely Blockbuster store remains…

In the middle of rural Oregon.

At the same time, Netflix stock soared more than 45,000%...

In short, Netflix’s Creative Destruction led to a much better viewing experience…

And massive profits for early shareholders.


In the same way that Netflix dominated DVD rentals and then streaming…

Amazon dominates shopping.

Everyone I know uses it regularly.

I bet you do, too.

Amazon’s unstoppable rise created destruction right along with record-breaking wealth...

Some of the most well-known companies fell to Amazon.

Sears, once the world’s largest retailer, went bankrupt…

Toys R Us, bankrupt…

Borders Books and Music, bankrupt…

All those stocks went to zero…

As Amazon soared past the moon.

And the same thing happened with smartphones…


Not many people remember the Blackberry, but it was the world’s first “smartphone.”

At one point, Blackberry had almost half of the U.S. cellular phone market.

As you can see, the Blackberry had a clunky physical keyboard that took up half of the smartphone.

The Blackberry didn’t even have a web browser.

Smelling an opportunity for Creative Destruction, Steve Jobs of Apple launched the iPhone in 2007.

The iPhone had it all, including a camera and a full web browser.

Compared to the iPhone, the Blackberry didn’t seem so useful.

So the Blackberry went obsolete…

And Apple sold more than a million iPhones in a month.

At first, Blackberry stock actually soared…

Then Apple ate their lunch and it dropped 97%.

Meanwhile, Apple shot up 14,800%…


Netflix… Amazon… Apple…

All striking long term success stories.


And destruction success stories.

Again, these stocks soared 14,500%... 45,000%... even 188,000%!

That’s enough to turn a tiny stake into a huge retirement windfall.

And guess what? More than 1.6 million people work at those 3 companies.

Amazon alone is the second biggest employer in the world.

So creative destruction created a LOT of jobs.

AI could do the exact same thing.

Because Goldman Sachs says, in the past 80 years, nearly 9 out of 10 new jobs came from new technology.

9 out of ten new jobs!

Bottom line: The AI doomsayers have it all wrong…

Because historic breakthroughs like AI create wealth.

We should see AI create at least $16 trillion in new wealth.

Breakthroughs like AI create jobs.

Look, there’s some real bad information out there about AI.

That’s why it’s so important to see the big picture right now.

Step one is knowing what’s coming.

You have that covered by reading this report.

You could get scared, like the so-called “AI experts” want you to…

Or you can get confident.

Look, I think AI will let us work less, get rich, and enjoy life more.

Remember, I’m a self-made millionaire who uses AI to make me money 365 days a year.

That said…

Whatever you choose to feel about this new world, you need to get moving now.
Because AI isn’t going anywhere.

And it has already grown 42 times faster than the internet.


That’s why AI stocks have hit a record boom in the past few months.

The boom has been “blink and you’ll miss it” fast.

To see just how fast AI stocks can move, look at these recent winners…

SoundHound is a small company that makes an AI that understands and acts on human speech.

Restaurants use the company’s AI to take orders.

And Mercedes-Benz deploys it in their cars.

So drivers can ask their car what Italian restaurants are nearby… or how much further they can drive on their tank of gas.

SoundHound’s AI figures out the answer and says it through the car’s speakers.

SoundHound stock took off, soaring 318% this pastyear...

Another small company named Super Micro Computers builds hardware and software for the AI sector.

Super Micro Computer’s stock shot up 290% in just two months last year…

Credo Technology builds advanced chips and cables for the AI industry.

Shares recently popped 40% IN A DAY.

These are big, recent and fast gains from AI stocks.

That shows you one thing:

When AI stocks get going…

They can shoot up fast.

And that’s why you need to get started today…

With what I call Elon’s #1 AI stock.

Now of course, nothing in the market is guaranteed.

We can’t know for sure if this incredible AI stock will perform as well as these examples.

But you need to know the potential here.


That said…

As I showed you before, Elon Musk’s new AI startup could be 100X bigger and better than ChatGPT.

Because Elon’s AI already works in the real world.

While ChatGPT just works online.

That’s why Elon’s AI could create the most wealth.

And remember the Elon Effect…

With Tesla, he created an army of American millionaires.

His 3 top startups showed incredible returns like 38,800%... 59,950%... even 550,000%!

And I think Elon could do it a fourth time, with his new AI startup.

So you need to get your hands on "Elon’s #1 AI stock" right now.

"How You Could Profit From

I want to rush you the full details in my new report, called…

"How you could Profit from 'Elon’s #1 AI Stock.'"

Elon Musk is the George Washington of AI.

He co-founded OpenAI which created ChatGPT…

Which already grew 42 times faster than the internet.

And as you saw at the start of this presentation…

Elon built an AI that can drive a car.

Just think about how impressive that is…

That’s why Elon has such a huge advantage over other AI companies.

Like Google, Amazon, Facebook… and yes, ChatGPT…

All limited by the internet.

Elon’s real-world AI is already years ahead of everyone else.

Millions of self-driving Teslas are all the proof you need to see.

And here’s another big reason why my #1 AI stock could deliver big gains in the months and years ahead…


There’s a little-used investors have multiplied their stock gains by as much as 13 times.

I call it the “essential multiplier.”

And it’s a very simple concept…

The smaller companies that make the ESSENTIAL parts that fuel world-changing technology…

Often pay out up to 13X more than the big-name tech stocks.

To see this essential multiplier in action, take Microsoft and Cisco.

Let’s go back to the early days of the internet.

Everyone knows Microsoft.

They made Internet Explorer, one of the first browsers that made surfing the web easy.

By 2001, Microsoft grabbed a whopping 90% of the browser market.

Now let’s look at Cisco.

Compared to Microsoft, not many people know what Cisco does for the internet.

They make routers, the devices that let computers to talk to one another.

In other words, Cisco makes the backbone — the nervous system — of the entire internet.

No routers, no internet.

So Cisco was essential to the growth of the internet.

Let’s see how the stocks for these two companies performed.

Microsoft shares did great in the internet boom, delivering more than 7,000%.

But Cisco crushed Microsoft…

It became the most valuable company in the world…

And shot up an insane 99,000%.

So the less known essential supplier stock, Cisco…

Paid out 13 times more money than the famous internet stock Microsoft did.

That’s the essential multiplier in action.

And this incredible fact doesn’t just apply to internet stocks.


Because the same thing happened a decade later, with the rise of the smartphone.

Take Apple and Broadcom.

Apple’s a household name while Broadcom is far less known.

Apple makes the iPhone…

And Broadcom is a smaller company that designs the chips that make iPhones work.

These chips form the backbone and nervous system of smartphones.

So it’s the same story as routers and the internet…

No chips, no smartphones.

After the iPhone launched, Apple shares went up an amazing 27 times…

While Broadcom soared over FIFTY times…

So the smaller Apple supplier nearly doubled the returns of Apple stock!

That’s the essential multiplier in action.

Smaller stocks that make tech work can pay you up to 13X more than the big-name tech stocks like Microsoft and Apple.

It’s that simple.

Right now, the same fact — the essential multiplier — is playing out in AI.

Where the stock that makes AI possible has delivered nearly 5X the big name AI stock.

Let’s look at Google and Nvidia…

Google is one of the biggest and most well-known companies in the world…

And Google has gone all-in on AI…

While Nvidia makes the essential chips that fuel AI…

Once again… no chips… no AI…

Over the past few months, Nvidia has delivered nearly 8X the profits that Google has.

That’s the essential multiplier in action, once again.

It delivered 13X the gains in the internet boom…

Double the gains in the smartphone boom…

And nearly 8 times the gains in today’s AI boom.

My #1 AI stock benefits from this essential multiplier in the same way that Nvidia does.

And that brings us to another secret behind some of the biggest profit moves of the 21st century…


The chips that power AI aren’t any old computer chips…

They’re a specific kind of ultra-powerful chip called a GPU.

Here’s what one looks like:

Pretty unassuming, right?

It looks like something you might see inside your TV or computer.

Today’s powerful AI can’t run without these special GPU chips.

No GPU chips, no AI.

That’s pretty well known.

And yet, what 99% of stock market “experts” don’t know is that these GPUs also drove the biggest gains of the past decade.

These powerful chips directly delivered two and a quarter TRILLION dollars of new wealth.

Here’s. what I mean...

GPUs were first used to run the powerful graphics needed for cutting edge video games.

These impressive, realistic graphics helped video games grow to be the biggest entertainment industry…

Bringing in nearly 4 times more money than the entire movie biz.

The company Take-Two Interactive makes popular game franchises like NBA2K and Grand Theft Auto.

TakeTwo shares have paid out as much as 6,300%...

Pretty impressive.


But it’s nothing compared to Bitcoin…

Because these GPUs also power Bitcoin.

And, by extension, the entire $3.56 trillion crypto universe.

Let me explain… it’s a complicated process, but GPUs are the best way to “mine” Bitcoin.

These GPUs are powerful and fast enough to crank the cryptographic calculations needed to mine and validate more Bitcoin on the blockchain.

Just like gold mining, Bitcoin mining brings Bitcoin to the market.

No mining means no Bitcoin.

No GPUs means no Bitcoin.

There was a time you could buy a Bitcoin for $240…

And you know what happened next.

Bitcoin soared to $101,680…

Delivering over 42,000% peak gains to anyone who got in then.

Bitcoin is the best performing asset of the decade, hands down.

I’m sure that’s pretty well-known.

What no one seems to know is how GPU chips made Bitcoin possible.

And that brings us to AI.

Remember, these same powerful GPUs make AI possible.

Nvidia makes these AI chips…

And it was one of the best performing S&P 500 stocks last year…

Shooting up 229%...

And that brings us to…


But first, I need to give you the full, uncensored picture…

I need to point out the biggest problem with the growth of AI:

There’s an extreme shortage of GPUs…

Without these chips, there’s no AI.

It’s that simple.

They’re so critical… so expensive… and in such high demand…

That the GPU shortage threatens to stop the almost $16 trillion AI revolution in its tracks.

And it’s already hurting AI companies…

Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison recently begged NVIDIA’s CEO for more AI Chips.

The CEO of ChatGPT’s OpenAI even brought it up in Senate testimony.

The New York Times calls it a “desperate hunt…startups are taking extraordinary measures to obtain critical AI chips.”

And that’s why Elon Musk has started to stockpile these critical AI chips.

He reportedly bought 10,000 for X, the service formerly known as Twitter…

And he’s willing to buy $1 billion worth more to boost the supercomputer that runs Tesla’s self-driving AI.

This supercomputer’s so powerful that it tripped the power grid in Palo Alto.

It can do in one second what it would take a smart man 32 billion years to do.

That shows you how powerful these AI chips are.

And there’s a devastating bottleneck…


Because right now, Nvidia has a near monopoly on AI chips.

CNBC says they have 80% of the market, cornered.

Here’s where what I call "Elon’s #1 AI stock" comes in.

The little-known company also makes high powered AI chips.

It’s the best solution to the $16 trillion GPU shortage problem.

With news outlets reporting that my #1 AI company offers the highest competition to Nvidia’s high-tech chips.

In fact, this company could be even better than Nvidia.

Because their new AI chip is almost TWO AND A HALF times stronger than Nvidia’s chips…

That's why they've even received praise from Musk himself.

Wall Street has taken note of this huge opportunity…

Because 19 billionaires have already bought into Elon’s #1 AI stock.

Along with 91 hedge funds…

And the top two asset management firms in the world.

And it’s not just Tesla.

Because this incredible company counts Apple… Microsoft… Google… Facebook… IBM… and Cisco as clients…

And Amazon, probably worried about getting left behind, wants to partner with Elon’s #1 AI company to power its AI cloud services.

The federal government loves my #1 AI company, too…

The Department of Energy uses their chips…

So does the Pentagon…

NASA even deployed the company’s chips on Mars…

And the best part about what I call "Elon’s #1 AI stock?"

It’s still pretty small, so there’s plenty of room to run.


It’s 15 times smaller than Nvidia.

Now, don’t get me wrong, Nvidia’s a great company.

It might be the hottest stock right now, in terms of hype and attention.

But it has already rallied as much as 7,730% in recent years...

So, while it has had a historic run…

I can say with extreme confidence…

Nvidia’s life changing gains are in the rear view.

So, for a retirement-overdrive gain opportunity, you should look at my #1 AI stock.

If this little GPU company grows as much as Nvidia, that’s a 15X return.

And remember, "Elon’s #1 AI stock" makes GPUs that are almost 2.5 times more powerful than Nvidia’s.

And remember, the AI market’s growing at light speed…

The demand for AI chips is too.

It’s set to multiply more than 8X over the next few years.

If my #1 AI stock isn’t a no-brainer stock, then I don’t know what is.


Because it has so much room to grow.

Barron’s called it a “multi-billion dollar opportunity.”

A Wells Fargo analyst, in the top 1% on Wall Street, recently rated it a buy.

So Wall Street’s catching on… and the company might not remain a secret for much longer.

Once this incredible story gets out…

What do you think will happen?

This little-known chip stock could go to the moon, just like Nvidia did with FAR LESS powerful chips!

That’s why I insist on sending you my full research on my #1 AI stock right now.


I reveal it all in my new report, called "How You Could Profit From 'Elon’s #1 AI Stock.'"

Inside this urgent report, you’ll see my full research on the #1 AI opportunity right now.

You’ll get the company name, ticker symbol, and specific buy-up-to guidance.
Nothing is left to chance.

Let me send you my new report. Right now.

The AI story’s moving so fast… it grew 42 times faster than the internet.

And the best AI stocks move fast too.

So there’s no time to waste.

You need to get started today.

And right now, I’d like to show you the details on another incredible stock…

That I call “The Last Retirement Stock”…

"The Last Retirement Stock
— AI Income For Life"

What if you could get paid every time ChatGPT does a computation…

Every time NVIDIA produces a new AI chip…

And every time a new Tesla rolls out of a megafactory?

It sounds impossible.

But there’s ONE stock that provides the backbone for the entire AI industry.

Wihtout this company’s breakthrough work – the entire AI revolution would come to a screeching halt.

That’s why Warren Buffett has plunked down more than $40 billion.

Elon Musk says without it, “civilization will crumble”…

And even OpenAI founder Sam Altman admits the future of AI “depends” on this firm’s work.

Best of all, this firm pays out “AI Royalties” that are 270X higher than NVIDIA’s dividends…

Which could provide you with a lifetime of AI income.

You’ll find the name, ticker symbol and my full research in my new report, "The Last Retirement Stock – AI Income for Life."

Let me send it to you right now.

And here’s the details on another valuable report I want to send your way:


As you just saw, the internet and smartphone age took out Blockbuster, Sears, and the company behind the Blackberry.

Those stocks became deathtraps… going to zero even as the internet and smartphones grew like wildfire.

As you probably expect, the same thing has happened – and will happen again – in the AI space.

That’s why I put together an urgent report that you can claim.

It’s called "3 AI Stocks to Avoid Right Now."

So you can see what I mean, here’s cautionary tales.

These are firms that jumped on the AI bandwagon and cost investors tons of money.

Like UiPath Inc., for example.

It was hailed as one of the largest software IPOs in history.

But investors who fell for the hype got destroyed.

Since its IPO, shares have collapsed over 80%.

Or Cambricon, which was praised as “one of China’s most valuable AI chip start-ups”…

After its IPO, shares collapsed 78%.

Or Guardforce AI, another firm that tried to jump on the AI bandwagon.

After its IPO, shares collapsed 99%.

Investors who got into these stocks were slaughtered.

That’s why I want to send you my new report, 3 AI Stocks to Avoid Right Now completely free of charge.

That way you can avoid the pitfalls and protect your hard-earned money.

Get started NOW,
See Elon’s #1 AI stock,
and save $150…

Let me send you all 3 of my urgent AI reports right now.

I’ll give them to you completely free.

All I ask is that you try out a risk-free membership to my monthly money-making service, Behind the Markets.

Right now, you can test drive Behind the Markets for 30 days.

See if it’s 100% perfect for you. I take on all the risk for your subscription.

Behind the Markets membership couldn’t be simpler.

Each month, I send you at least one fully researched cutting-edge stock recommendation.

I say “at least” one recommendation because…

Sometimes there are so many opportunities I might send out multiple recommendations.

I do all the heavy lifting, data crunching and research…

And send you a full write up each month, with hyper specific buy-up-to guidance…

So nothing is left to chance.

And the best part is, if you get started today, you can save $150 on your membership.

One year normally costs $199.

Right now, it’s just $49.

That’s how urgent it is that you get started with my #1 AI stock right now.

I cut the no-risk membership fee by almost 75% to make sure there’s nothing holding you back.

That’s how urgent this AI opportunity is.


To quickly recap, here’s everything I’ll send you as a welcome to Behind the Markets…

  • 12 monthly issues of Behind the Markets. Each issue has at least one fully researched play, along with my timely market updates.
  • FREE BONUS: "How You Could Profit From 'Elon’s #1 AI Stock'"
  • FREE BONUS: "The Last Retirement Stock – AI Income for Life"
  • FREE BONUS: "3 AI Stocks to Avoid Right Now"
  • Private access to the members-only Behind the Markets portfolio. At a glance, this real-time portfolio shows you everything you need to know about your open positions. How much they’re up, detailed buy-up-to instructions and more…
  • VIP access to your dedicated customer care team in South Carolina for any questions about your subscription…

Like I said, you get immediate access to all those benefits at a near 75% discount.

It’s just $49 for one full year of the top-level membership.

That works out to 13¢ a day for the opportunity to push your retirement into overdrive.

To remove any shred of hesitation….

Let me show you the fine print on my bulletproof, total money-back guarantee.

If you don’t love it,
you get ALL your money back

As you saw, my readers had a chance to lock in gains like 133% on C3.AI Inc…

202% on Oscar health…

339% in four months on Intelsat…

502% in seven months on Rocket Lab Inc….

So we have a proven track record…

With huge AI stock winners.

My #1 AI stock could put those wins to shame.

That’s why I’m going out on a limb with this full guarantee…


This is your invitation to see what’s inside Behind the Markets — absolutely risk-free.

Accept my invitation today and you have 60 days to see if it’s perfect for you.

I want you to be absolutely thrilled with what you see.

And if you’re not, I’ll send you ALL of your money back for your subscription.

That way you have no risk… and no reason not to say “YES!”

You and I both know that all investments carry risk.

And past gains don’t mean future gains.

So don’t “bet the farm” or more than you can spare to lose.

LET ME IN Behind the Markets

That said, this part is very important…

Please, hear me when I tell you: AI will be the #1 investment of the decade.

And Elon’s new startup could produce the world’s top AI.

100X stronger than ChatGPT.

And you can own your stake in it…

With "Elon’s #1 AI stock."

Or, you can sit on the sidelines and just watch it all happen.

Your choice.

Now while nothing is guaranteed, you could become a new AI millionaire, like the countless American millionaires Elon Musk has already created.

Or you can do nothing and get left behind as AI transforms our world.

Make the right choice.

Click the button below to get started right now.


Look, I’ve made millions putting AI to work in my companies.

It allowed me to make sure my family is taken care of financially.

And I just bought a new home in Palm Beach County – one of the most expensive areas in the U.S.

I don’t care enough to check, but I have to assume I’m part of the 1%.

You saw how Elon Musk helped create an “army of millionaires” with Tesla…

We both know that kind of investment return doesn’t come often…

But I wouldn’t be surprised to see many more members of the AI millionaire club in the coming years.

Make this choice, right now, to prosper in the new America.

You saw how Elon Musk’s first 3 startups created an entire army of millionaires.

You saw how AI will change our lives.

It’s already started.

So I urge you to let it make you wealthy in the process.

Make the choice, right now, NOT to get left behind.

This is a unique turning point in American history.

Because the AI revolution IS NOT reserved for the Wall Street and DC elite.
It’s open to YOU.

Don’t wait.

Click the “YES, I want in” button right below.

Right now, before it’s too late.