Ex-Wall Street CEO who predicted the Great Recession a year in advance issues new Warning:


The Stock Market Will Crash 50%...
Real Estate will drop 40%... Savings Accounts will lose 30%...
And unemployment will triple.

But those who take these 4 steps now
could see the biggest fortunes of their lives...

Dear Concerned Citizen,

In President Reagan’s farewell address, he called America a “Shining City on a Hill.”

And in many ways, America still is shining.  

We have supersized homes, two cars in every garage, and more food to eat than any country in history. 

We have smartphones, tablets, laptops, AI assistants, VR headsets and flatscreen tv’s that stream any entertainment we could think of on demand. 

Many of us even have swimming pools, maids to clean our houses, nannies to watch our kids, and landscapers to manicure our lawns. 

But despite all these shiny things…

There are massive cracks forming right below the surface of our “shining city.”

Cracks that threaten us with a widespread collapse unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes.

During this presentation, I’m going to show you exactly what these cracks are and what’s really causing them. 

I’m also going to show you why these cracks will only get worse, regardless of who’s President. 


Because these cracks are a symptom of a much bigger problem. 

A problem that threatens the very foundation of our country. 

What may shock you is that this problem was indirectly caused by President Reagan. 

His greatest triumph has turned out to be our biggest curse. 

A curse that is now cracking the very foundation of our great country. 

And there’s absolutely nothing that can be done to stop these cracks from continuing to weaken our foundation until we collapse. 

There’s no government stimulus package big enough…

No interest rate cut dramatic enough….

And no tax cut deep enough to stop the inevitable.

The only thing you can do is prepare for it. 

In the end, we will see the market tumble 50%, real estate plummet 40%, savings accounts lose 30% and unemployment triple.

As you will see in this presentation here, there’s little time left to prepare.

According to my calculations, this collapse isn’t coming in a year, six months or even three months.

It began on October 13, 2023. 

And things are starting to unravel at a fast pace, as America is being hurled into the worst economic hell our country has ever seen.

A 33-Year Track Record of Success

My name is Dylan Jovine. 

And what I’m about to share with you may be disturbing. 

But make no mistake about it: there are financial cracks forming right beneath your feet, and they are getting bigger every day. 

And when these cracks send everything crashing, it will destroy the finances of people who aren’t prepared. 

Now, what I’m saying to you may sound extreme. And maybe you doubt my predictions, which is fine. 

But please know that people doubted me when I predicted the Great Recession and market crash a year before it happened.

A year later, the S&P 500 dropped 47%...

They doubted me when I predicted a big stock rally during the height of the Covid panic…

Six months later, the market was up 60%.

When in July of 2021, I predicted Russia and China would bring the world into a new cycle of war… 

…just seven months before Russia invaded Ukraine.

When in 2022, I predicted that inflation would last longer than expected…

The “Elites” Laughed at Me
When I Made Those Predictions

A lot of people laughed at me when I made those predictions. 

They didn’t think a kid who grew up dirt poor and went to city college could ever know more than the “Elites.”

Both Google & Facebook suspended my accounts.

And even the Chinese Communist Party sent a woman to talk to me when I began to warn people that China would invade Taiwan.

But despite the risks to my business, I didn’t let any of them stop me from getting you the truth. 

I fought on to keep bringing you the most important financial stories nobody else was talking about.

And I’ll never stop. 

After Predicting the “Great Recession,” I was Invited Down to Washington, D.C.

In the wake of predicting the real estate collapse a year before it happened, I was interviewed by Fox Business… 

And then I was invited to Washington, D.C. to meet President George Bush…

...and Vice President Dick Cheney.

Now, I’m no chicken little. I’m not one of these guys who runs around screaming the sky is falling all the time. 

As a matter of fact, my companies have made tens of millions of dollars by doing the exact opposite: showing people how to prosper. 

And though our future may seem dark as I am about to show you, there’s no need to fall victim to it. 

If you’re on the right side of what’s coming, you could seize opportunities that come maybe once or twice in a lifetime.

There’s money to be made, and I will show you how to make it. 

Again, I’m not a “Negative Nancy,” but the evidence for a coming collapse has become clear to me. Just like it’s about to become clear to you. 

And I view it as my responsibility to warn you about it, since nobody else is. 

What makes my job more challenging is that on the surface, everything looks so darn good.

The market is near all-time highs, we’re told unemployment is low, AI is going to change the world and the FED will cut rates any day now. 

Yet keep in mind that everything looked great in 2007, right before the Great Recession hit. 

I predicted that disaster a year before it became front-page news. And I am telling you we are headed for a worse disaster this time.

But this time, you don’t have to be one of the people who suffer.

I Write to You Today as a Father First

One last note before we begin this presentation.

I may be known around the world for making bold and timely predictions.  

But today, I write to you as a father first. 

This presentation started as a letter to my children, my family and friends because I am more concerned about our country than I have ever been.

And you should be concerned as well.

That’s why I want to send everyone reading this a copy of my new book, “Midnight in America.”

This book will give you a rare glimpse into the house of cards that the foundation of our modern economy is built on.

It will give you a peek inside the shady deal between Washington and Wall Street that got us into this mess in the first place. 

And how this shady deal has unleashed a disease from within that’s rotting us from the inside out. 

I believe you’re going to really appreciate this new book.

But most importantly, "Midnight in America" will arm you with the exact steps you need to take to preserve your quality of life so you and your loved ones can prosper no matter what comes next.

Now as I mentioned before, there are cracks in America’s economic foundation.

Today, we’re going to discuss five of those economic cracks that concern me the most.

They are the inevitable stock market wipeout, the coming home-equity slaughter, the trillion-dollar pension fund wipeout, the collapse of the dollar, and the very real threat of war with China. 

In fact, the collapse has already begun.

During the next six months you will see the stock market plummet by at least 50 percent, real estate will drop 40 percent, savings accounts will lose 30 percent and unemployment will triple.

It’s already starting to unfold. Let’s take a look at crack one.

Crack #1:
The Inevitable Stock Market Wipeout

The first crack is the inevitable stock market wipeout. 

I write this knowing full-well the stock market is at all-time highs. And it’s been one heck of a rally. 

But this rally is about to end. And it won’t be pretty when it does. 

Let me share with you three warning signs flashing right now. 

A big warning sign is coming from the 

U.S. government bond market. 

This is something almost no stock investors talk about. But if the bond market sneezes, the stock market catches a cold. 

And right now, it’s telling us we’re about to get very sick. 

Take a look at this chart. It shows the amount of debt we’ve added since 2020.

Right now, the U.S. government is borrowing $1 trillion every 100 days. 

Think about that: $1 trillion every 100 days!

This is unprecedented. And it’s unsustainable. 

Now historically, Wall Street has had no problem buying as many bonds as the U.S. government was selling.

But in October of 2023, the U.S. government finally hit a brick wall. 

Wall Street told Washington it couldn’t sell all these bonds anymore.

Traditional buyers like foreign central banks, sovereign wealth funds and large institutions started to just say “NO!”

And as the government keeps borrowing money, the problem just keeps getting worse.

In other words, after decades of reckless borrowing by both parties….

We have FINALLY reached the point where nobody wants to lend us money anymore.  

Why will that send the stock market down 50%?

The stock market’s recent highs are being driven by government spending. 

The more the government spends, the more jobs are created, and the more people buy things.

But the government is now being told it’s not going to be able to borrow anymore, which means the government will have to cut spending. 

And when it finally cuts spending, that means millions of jobs will disappear. And when those jobs disappear, spending will disappear along with it. 

Once that spending dries up, corporate profits are sure to follow. 

It’s so clear, J.P. Morgan called this coming crisis, “The most predictable crisis in history.”

The second warning sign is coming from the gold market.

Everyone’s been amazed that gold has been hitting new highs the past six months.  And that’s great for gold investors.  

But don’t let the good news fool you. 

For stock investors, the recent rise in gold is the canary in the coal mine. It’s signaling serious danger for investors. 

See this chart?

What you’ll notice is that gold was selling at about $1,800 an ounce in October 2023. 

Right around the time, word began to leak on Wall Street that the U.S. government was having trouble borrowing money. 

By the following month, gold hit $2,100 an ounce, a 16% gain in 30 days. That’s a big move for an old-fashioned metal. It almost moved like an AI stock.

But then reports kept coming out showing how hard it was becoming for the U.S. to borrow money.

That’s when Wall Street started to get nervous.

And the price of gold began its historic rise, hitting $2,400 an ounce.

Now here’s the part I find most troubling. And why I rushed to get you this presentation. 

Gold has always been a great predictor of a stock market crash. Its price tends to rise in the six months before the market gets hammered. 

For example, gold rose from $256 August 1999 to $337 in October in the 3 months leading up to the 2000 market crash. 

Right afterward, the S&P 500 dropped 50%.

Gold rose from $675 April of 2007 to $871 in October 2007…

Right before the market crashed 50% in the Great Recession.

And gold is flashing the same warning signal once again.  

That’s why I rushed to get you this presentation.


The third warning sign is the price to earnings ratio.

The price to earnings ratio tells you how many years of earnings it would take to get back what you pay for a stock. 

In a healthy, normal market, the P/E ratio is about 16.

That means, it would take 16 years for a stocks’ earnings to equal the price.

But right now, the average stock in the S&P 500 has a p/e of 35. 

That’s over twice the historical ratio!

Now there have been two other times in history that the p/e ratio has been this high.

The first was right before the market crash in 1929….

Right before the market crashed 80% from its highs.

The second time this happened was in 1999…

Right before the dot com bubble burst and the market crashed 50%.

Now these are just some of the indicators signaling that a massive collapse which will blindside most investors is coming very soon.

To be frank, a 50% correction in the stock market is actually a conservative estimate.

If the market drops to the lows we hit during Covid, we’ll actually see a 60% decline.

But the bigger problem is that this is just one of the five cracks in our foundation.

What makes this coming crisis so unique, is that there are four more cracks that are just as dangerous. Maybe even more so. 

And they are breaking apart the foundation of our prosperity each and every day. 

When one of these cracks gets big enough, it will blast open all the other ones causing the market to crash 50%, real estate to plummet 40%, bonds to lose 30% of their value and unemployment will triple. 

It’s already starting to happen. 

But again, there’s a way for you to survive this and I am going to show you how. It’s the same way my family and I will prosper. 

Just like people made great fortunes in the 1930’s, I will show you the exact steps you have to take to make yourself a fortune over the next five years.

But first, let’s look at the other cracks in our foundation. 

Just like the government wants to play down the problems they’re having borrowing money, they want to play these problems down as well.

Crack #2:
The Looming Home Equity Slaughter

Economic crack two is the looming home equity slaughter.

This is the same chart I showed you earlier. 

It shows the amount of money our government has borrowed in the past four years.

Well, about $7 trillion of that was checks sent to people during Covid. 

And I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with helping our fellow Americans during a crisis. But we must now live with the consequences. 

And one of the biggest consequences has been soaring housing prices.

This chart from the St. Louis Federal Reserve shows just how far housing prices have risen since 2020 alone.

Never before in the history of this country have homes ever been this expensive. 

You don’t need me to tell you this. Just look around. It’s crazy. 

Prices of homes have doubled in the past 10 years. 

In 2014, the average home in America cost $200,000. Today the average home in America costs $400,000.

But the problem is average incomes in America haven’t doubled in the past ten years. They’ve only increased by 13.8% since 2014.

In the short-term, housing prices are based on whatever people will pay for them.

But in the longer-term, they’re based on incomes. 

And the fact that housing prices have doubled in the past ten years, while incomes have stayed about the same….

…means homes are unaffordable to most of the buyers in America.

If the 2009 real estate collapse taught us anything, it’s that housing prices can’t go up far beyond the point where home buyers can afford them. 

Prices will have to come back down to a level where buyers can pay for them.

It’s already begun. 

Prices are now starting to go back to where they were before the start of the pandemic.

As homeowners, we should be very concerned about this. 

The only reason housing prices haven’t gone down faster is that the government is still borrowing $1 trillion every 100 days. 

But when that finally ends, and the hangover hits this country, housing prices will have to drop 40% to get back down to the level folks can afford them.

Much of the equity homeowners have will get wiped out in an instant, but I have found a way for my friends and family to survive and prosper.

I want to share that with you. It starts with you getting a complimentary copy of my new book, “Midnight in America.”  

But I have a bigger plan for you to prosper for years to come as I will describe in a moment.

But first, let’s take a look at the other cracks in our economy that are forming underneath our feet.

Crack #3:
The Coming Pension Fund Wipeout

Economic crack number three is the coming pension fund wipeout. 

Covid was bad for a lot of reasons.

To begin, it is estimated that 6.86 million people died worldwide. 

And 1.2 million of those who died were Americans, which makes it twice as deadly as the Spanish Flu was in this country in 1918.

Some of the people we lost were my friends. 

But as bad as Covid was, locking down the country was even worse. In this case, the cure was worse than the disease.

You already know that we added $11 trillion in debt since Covid hit.

And a lot of that money was sent to people because they were told to stay home.

That’s why we’ve had the terrible inflation we’ve had in this country the past few years.

But the lockdowns caused another problem: people stopped coming to the office. 

And this new “work-from-home culture” is causing a collapse of the commercial real estate market.

As people keep working from home, it’s turning into a nightmare for downtown office districts around the country.

According to St. Louis Federal Reserve, commercial real estate prices have recently begun to nosedive.

As you can see from this chart below, they haven’t been hit this hard since the Great Recession of 2009.

Cities around the country are scrambling to save their office districts.

And the problem is about to get worse.

Banks are sitting on a ticking time bomb: almost $3 trillion in commercial real estate debt. 

But what most people don’t know is that pension funds are one of the biggest investors in commercial real estate. 

And they’re starting to get hammered.

Pension funds like Calstrs, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, are already taking big hits.

And it’s just the start.

The simple fact that the commercial real estate market is causing a $6 trillion meltdown for banks and pension funds is a topic most people don’t grasp.

But there’s a way for smart investors to personally benefit from it. 

When you get your copy of “Midnight in America,” you’ll understand clearly how to protect yourself and prosper. 

Now let’s move on to the next two cracks and then we will discuss why our foundation is so weak.

Crack #4:
The Stunning Pace of “De-Dollarization”

Economic crack number four is “de-dollarization.”

I want you to take a look at this picture as we move into crack number four. 

On the right is China’s currency, the Yuan. On the left is the dollar. 

China has one goal: replace the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

And they’re getting closer to that goal each day. 

In February, they got Iraq to ditch the dollar for trade.

In March they got Brazil, the largest economy in South America, to ditch the dollar for trade.

In April, they got Argentina to ditch the dollar.

Now they’re going after Saudi Arabia. 

Now the “elites” have been saying this could never happen. 

But this is happening.

And it’s happening right now. In real time.

Make no mistake about it: this is economic warfare.

And it’s about to get worse.

If the U.S. dollar lost its place as the world’s reserve currency, it would launch a “Dark Ages” for America. 

Certain stocks could drop by 80%.

Inflation would soar, leading to a massive drop in bonds. 

Certain money market funds could become almost worthless – virtually overnight.  

In other words, many investments that you and your family depend on for your retirement – will no longer be safe.

President Trump has said it would be a disaster. 

Billionaire Sam Zell estimated that it would reduce our net worth by 25%.

Elon Musk said that without the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, we’d be in serious trouble.

Any one of these four economic cracks in our foundation could send the U.S. economy into a tailspin. 

But taken together, they pose the greatest economic danger the United States has faced since the Great Depression. 

Though the coming collapse will devastate millions of Americans, there’s no reason for you and your friends and family to get crushed by it. 

Now let’s take a look at crack number five.

Crack #5:
War With China Over Taiwan

Economic crack number five is war with China.

I’m not going to sugar-coat it. China’s attack on the U.S. dollar is bad for America. 

But it’s nothing compared to what would happen if they attacked Taiwan.

The Taiwan Strait is the most dangerous waterway on earth.

It’s where the military showdown between China and the U.S. is playing out. Right now. In real time. 

China has one goal: take control of Taiwan.

And it’s getting closer to invading Taiwan every day.

An invasion could happen any day. 

We could go to sleep one night and wake up to news that China has attacked Taiwan.

And folks, let me tell you something: the stakes couldn’t be higher… 

Taiwan makes 90% of the world’s advanced semiconductors.

They're the tiny operating brains inside just about any modern device, like smartphones, hospital ventilators or fighter jets. 

And yes, the chips Nvidia sells to power AI all come from Taiwan too. 

A China attack on Taiwan would immediately stop 90% of the world’s chips from leaving Taiwan.

That would be like cutting off 90% of the global oil supply. 

The price of smartphones, iPads, computers, washers, televisions and smartwatches would skyrocket.  

Firms would be forced to lay off workers as they couldn’t make their products. 

It gets even worse…

Look around your house. 

How many of those items pass through the South China Sea?

Nearly one-third of all global maritime trade. 

This includes smartphones, computers, furniture, car seats, clothing, hats, heaters, paint, shoes, rubber tires, washers, dryers, bicycles, microwaves, toasters - you name it.

A Chinese attack on Taiwan would instantly freeze one-third of global trade.

Firms that sell furniture would have no furniture to sell. Firms that sell car seats would have no car seats to sell. And firms that sell shoes would have no shoes to sell. 

That would send the stock market crashing, as global firms lost revenue, profits and faced bankruptcy.

But there is a way for you to preserve your wealth and your well-being for that matter, even as the U.S. dollar goes down.

There’s a host of opportunities that soar when markets crash which I will show you in a moment.

So to recap these are the five cracks in our economy –

The inevitable stock market wipeout which will lead to a stock market crash of 50 percent, perhaps as high as 60 percent…

The looming home equity slaughter which will lead to a real estate crash at 40 percent…

The $1 trillion pension fund slaughter…

The destruction of the U.S. dollar… 

And a Chinese attack on Taiwan that would send the markets crashing. 

But please know these aren’t the only cracks in our foundation. There are many more forming as we speak. 

The Coming Spike in Unemployment

For example, take artificial intelligence.

Everyone hails it as the next best thing since sliced bread. And it may turn out to be that.

But AI is being adopted faster than any new technology in history.

Faster than automobiles, faster than the internet and faster than the iPhone. 

And that’s a problem. It’s being adopted faster than the jobs it will replace. 

Indeed, this technology threatens the jobs of almost every man and woman in America.

And it won’t distinguish between blue-collar workers and white-collar workers. Jobs will just vanish. 

It’s already begun. 

For instance, CNBC recently reported that 37% of CEOs say AI already replaced workers in 2023. 

A new study from MIT estimates that AI will replace as many as two million manufacturing jobs within the next 12-18 months. 

And a recent report from Goldman Sachs was even worse: the bank predicts that two-thirds of all jobs are at risk from AI. 

Think about that: 66% of all people could lose their entire job or lose part of it and be forced to become part-time workers. 

The fact that we are rushing this out without any concern for working Americans is a serious problem.

The Ultimate Job-Killer

Another economic crack is forming with automation. 

This is another one of these so-called miracles that’s going to cause a whole lot of pain before we get to the so-called promised land. 

In fact, automation may be the ultimate job killer. 

Every time I go to a WalMart and see one of these machines, I wonder what happened to the person who used to do that job. 

Even the U.S. Government Accountability Office estimates that as much as 47% of all jobs could be automated in the future.

And this isn’t just hitting middle-aged workers hard.

Talk to any college graduate and they’ll tell you this has become the most difficult job market they’ve heard of.

Again, this is another hint that the cracks underneath our “shining city on a hill” are widening dangerously. 

It’s just not sustainable. 

There are many more economic cracks...

What is most alarming is that they are all linked back to the core of our foundation being so weak.

The unnerving thing about this weak foundation is that nobody talks about it anymore. Not for years.

And the situation has only gotten worse and worse.

I’ll explain what this horrific situation is in a moment.

First, I want you to know that there are solutions to these problems and I want to quite literally put those solutions in the palm of your hand.

Again, these are the same solutions I’m using for my family and I’m confident that they are appropriate for you as well.

It all starts with you claiming your free copy of my new book, “Midnight in America.”

But that’s not all.

I’m also going to give you a risk-free membership to my newsletter called “Behind the Markets.”

Behind the Markets is simply a 25-page letter that I’ve been mailing out monthly since 2018.

Part of that newsletter is a model portfolio that you can track on your own.

Just take a look at some of our recent winners from that portfolio.

You can see for yourself how readers of Behind the Markets benefit.

In Behind the Markets, I explain what’s happening in the economy and how Main Street investors like you can profit.

I explain what my family and I are doing to protect ourselves, and how to navigate the markets for higher returns.

And in the model portfolio, I tell you exactly what I think you should buy, at what price to buy it, and when to sell it.

It is very easy for you to follow.

Again, the results you are seeing on your screen now are from that model portfolio.

All you need to do is click on the button below to get your risk-free membership to Behind the Markets so we can face the coming crisis together.


You need it now more than ever. 

The economic cracks forming under your feet at this very moment are a direct result of this unstable foundation.

Of course, the big question is why does our foundation look like this?

The Revenge of Bernie Sanders

I call it “The Revenge of Bernie Sanders.”

In the early 2000’s, he began pushing an economic theory called “Modern Monetary Theory,” or MMT for short. 

The basic principle of MMT is simple: debt doesn’t matter.

People who believe this theory believe that we can borrow as much as we want…. 

As long as we use it to give people a federal jobs guarantee, free college, Medicare for All and clean energy for all. 

They call it “The People’s Economy.”

I call it Communism repackaged for the 21st Century.

But as you could imagine, MMT has ignited a revolutionary fervor on the far left.

That’s because it lets the government spend as much as they want on new programs - without raising taxes.

How? By deficit spending. 

The Ultimate “Tax Loophole”

By spending more than the government takes in from taxes…

The Federal Reserve is forced to issue new debt to pay for these programs. 

It’s the ultimate “tax loophole.” 

It allows our government to grow beyond anyone’s imagination, because our elected representatives don’t have to pay for it. 

The Federal Reserve does. 

And we’re just now getting stuck with the bill.   

Now usually, a theory like this would get laughed out of serious economic circles.

It’s obviously ridiculous.

But the problem is Democrats have been using this theory since Barack Obama was elected.

The leading economist behind this theory is a star on the left.

She was the chief economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee (Democratic staff) in 2015…

And she served as a senior economic adviser to Bernie Sanders’ 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns. 

In other words…

Bernie Sanders may have lost the 2016 Presidential campaign - but he won the economic debate.

And the results have been devastating. 

In the 25 years since the Democrats adopted this theory, we’ve added more debt than we added in the 200 years before that.

To put it into perspective, just the amount of debt we add each year is bigger than the entire federal budget was under Bill Clinton!

Even worse than that, most Americans don’t seem to even care anymore. It’s no longer a topic of conversation.

Ross Perot Called It

When was the last time you saw a national candidate talk seriously about our nation’s debt?

It was Ross Perot back in 1992.

In the meantime, we keep adding about $1 trillion in debt every 100 days. 

And things are about to get much worse.

As our national debt has ballooned, so have our interest payments. 

For the very first time ever, we paid $1 trillion in interest alone last year.

Interest Payments Are Now
Bigger than Medicaid Outlays…

For the First Time Ever!

To give you an idea of just how bad it is, last year was the first time that interest payments exceeded Medicaid outlays.

We’re now spending $2.7 billion per day on interest costs alone! 

Never before has any nation ever accumulated so much debt at such an alarming rate. 

Let me say that again: never before has any nation ever accumulated so much debt at such an alarming rate.

It’s frightening and it’s unsustainable.

But compared to what’s coming, we’re going to look back at these as the good old days. 

That’s because the U.S. is projected to spend a historic $12.4 trillion on interest payments over the next decade.

Did You Know
You Owe $37,100 in Interest Payments?

That’s $37,100 in interest payments for every American citizen.

It won’t be long before these interest payments start to choke us. 

That’s when politicians running for office will have to do something they haven’t done for fifty years: level with the American people. 

They’ll talk about us having to make sacrifices for the next generation. 

But what they’ll really mean is that with $1 trillion a year in interest payments, we’re going to have to make some cuts. 

And the cuts will hit everything: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and National Defense. 

Imagine your benefits got cut by 25%? 

It may sound crazy but it’s coming.

How Did Our “Shining City on a Hill”
Develop These Cracks?

But perhaps the bigger question is how did we get here? 

How did our “Shining City on a Hill” develop so many cracks?

Some blame laziness. Others blame the loss of the American work ethic. And still others blame social media. 

But I think the answer is deeper than that. 

And believe it or not, I trace it back to the great Ronald Reagan. 

He gave us the greatest gift a leader could give a country: he won the Cold War. 

The problem is we squandered that gift. 

With the Soviet Union gone, we no longer had a large competitor around. 

A competitor that focused our minds on a common enemy. 

A competitor that pushed us to do things “not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”

On any given day, Congress would meet to negotiate ten things. 

But the first five items were focused on containing the Soviet Union. 

Defense Spending…The Berlin Airlift…Support for Greece…Communism vs. Capitalism...the Marshall Plan. 

Because they agreed with the first five items of the day, the remaining five were easier to negotiate. 

People had relationships. They were able to work together. 

But when the Soviet Union collapsed, our common enemy disappeared. 

The first thing we did was cut military spending, which is fine. We didn’t need to spend as much anymore. 

But the second thing we did was fight each other over the spoils of war. 

And suddenly we couldn’t agree on anything.

All everyone cared about was spending all that excess money we now had on their own pet projects. Everyone wanted to build their own bridge to nowhere. 

And each decade, the fighting got worse and worse. 

It’s like we forgot we were all part of the same team. 

Even worse, the collapse of the Soviet Union made us lazy. 

We were no longer in a fight for our survival. We won. 

And that’s when we lost the eye of the tiger. 

We became like Rocky when he became champ and lost the eye of the tiger.

But while we’ve been fighting each other, countries like China got hungry.

They became like Mr. T.

And now they quite literally want to fight for the championship. 

Right at the exact moment that our country is more divided than it’s been since the Civil War.  

Never in History
Has a Truly Great Country
Fallen So Far So Quickly

And when most young Americans don't even know what it means to be American anymore. 

For example… 

We've never had a military admit to us they're short 40,000 troops and they don't know how to get them. 

And our population is bigger than it's ever been!

We've never had no border. 

We've had ten million people walk across without audit. We've never seen anything like it. 

We have the largest number of foreign-born residents both in numbers 50 million and in percentages of the population.

We have a multi racial society and that's been great for us. But tribal affiliation has become more important than being an American. 

We've had crime periods before and high crime areas. 

But we've never had a period when our elites say crime is not crime. They say it's a social construct and that you have let violent criminals out. 

That's a new theory, critical legal theory.

We used to have the best universities on earth. 

But today’s kids aren’t being taught to think. They’re being taught to “cancel” anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

It’s gotten so crazy, they’re even protesting for the same people who danced on streets in celebration after 9-11!

That’s a tough pill to swallow for a guy who ran for his life when the towers came down that day.

Never in the history of the world has a truly great country fallen so far so quickly. 

And we’re not naturally weak. 

We have the greatest constitution on earth, have been blessed with abundant natural resources and have an economy that’s second to none. 

But we're not the same people who stormed Omaha beach.

And landed in France to free Europe from tyranny.

The world has entered a new cycle of war and we're not on a war footing. 

Nobody is as serious as the moment we find ourselves in.

And I don’t see it getting better any time soon. 

The cracks I’ve been discussing are getting bigger. 

And the base of our foundation is getting weaker by the day.

The collapse will unleash a 50% stock market drop.

I already showed you investors no longer want to buy our bonds. 

I also showed you the warning coming from the gold markets.

And I also showed you how the P/E ratio of the stock market is as high as it was right before the 1929 crash and before the 2000 market crash.

The only reason the market hasn’t collapsed yet is because the Fed keeps printing money by selling bonds. But with fewer people buying bonds, the market is going to get hammered.

And when it does collapse, those who read my Behind the Markets newsletter will have the opportunity to scoop up key companies on the cheap.

Real estate will also plunge by 40%. 

If you have equity in your home, a good percentage of it will get wiped out. Perhaps all of it. 

But there’s a simple way for you to protect yourself with a cheap form of “insurance” that I will tell you about in my newsletter.

Additionally, the economy will come to a standstill. 

The dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency is being chiseled away at each and every single day.

In the past year, Brazil, Argentina, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Russia and others have all begun to ditch the dollar for trade. 

Savings accounts will drop by 30% if we continue to lose our role as the world’s reserve currency. 

Again, I will show you how to sidestep this coming carnage. 

It’s easier than you can imagine, and you can do it from the comfort of your own living room.

I’m truly sorry to say this, but the question is not “if” this collapse comes but “when” this collapse comes. 

Any one of these five cracks could destroy your wealth. 

When will we borrow one dollar too much? 

We’re already seeing signs that this is happening.

We will become more and more fragile. 

In fact, during the course of this presentation, our country has already fallen another $416 million in debt. 

Never before in history has a country gone this far into debt. Not even close.

Never before has a country promised so much free stuff with no way to pay for it.

Never before has a foundation been this weak.

Look, one of these five cracks is going to hit.

And the following collapse will destroy millions of hard-working Americans who have no clue this is even coming.

Your hard-working neighbors, your mechanic, your doctor, your friends, your co-workers, you name it. They will all feel the pain unless they are warned first.

Don’t let this catch you by surprise.

As a father of two young kids, I am gravely concerned. I am afraid that they’re going to grow up in a country with a lot less opportunity than the one Reagan gifted to me.

That’s exactly why I rushed to get you my new book “Midnight in America.”

There’s one place on earth
you can get this new book…

It’s called Behind the Markets

I’ve put this new report together for members of my exclusive VIP service, Behind the Markets.


We hunt for stocks with life-changing potential at Behind the Markets.


The focus of this unique service is simple: we hunt for small, little-known stocks at the forefront of massive changes.


Stocks that are so far ahead of their competitors, they can change a market….


Stocks with lower share prices…small market capitalizations…and rapidly growing revenue…


Stocks that can put 1,000% gains in your pocket in just months…and change your life.


As soon as you become a member of Behind the Markets, you become part of my “inner circle” – just like my mother – and you’ll get access to every single investment opportunity I discover each month.


As a member of Behind the Markets, you’ll receive:

  • My Brand-new Book, “Midnight in America: 5 Cracks that Threaten America’s Foundation – and How to Protect Yourself.”

    This new book will explain in depth what’s causing these five cracks as well as the exact four steps you need to take right away to plan for this crisis: 

    Step 1: You’ll learn the types of stocks that will get crushed most in the coming crisis – and what you should sell from your portfolio immediately.  

    Step 2: You’ll discover the specific federal money market funds you should invest in while you get ready. 

    Step 3: You’ll see how to prepare a shopping list of stocks so that when the crash does come, you’ll be prepared in advance.  

    Step 4: You’ll discover exactly when to begin buying your favorite stocks during the next market crash. This way, you won’t buy them too soon and watch your plans go up in smoke.

    You’re getting my “bear-market playbook,” which is the exact playbook I used to profit from the 2008-2009 financial crisis.
  • You can expect 1-2 new recommendations from me each month.

    Each recommendation will include a 30-page report on the company as well as easy-to-follow instructions for you to execute the trade. 

    And since we mostly recommend common stocks, these trades will be easy enough for any beginner to do.

  • You will get Sell Alerts for the opportunity to bank maximum profits.

    All you need to do is to wait to hear from me, so you’ll know EXACTLY when it’s time to sell and take profits. This way we can avoid riding a stock up only to ride it all the way back down with no gains to show for it.

    That’s why I won’t recommend selling a position until the trend is officially over.

  • You will have unlimited access to the Behind the Markets members website.

    That’s because all Behind the Markets members will access an exclusive website that you can log on to at your convenience.

    There, you can access all past and present alerts, updates and a few other goodies I will discuss below.

    This way, you’ll have a 360-degree view of every open position as well as a record of all the trades we’ve already closed.

    You’ll know to the minute how well Behind the Markets is doing for you.

  • You will have VIP concierge service ready to help you Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm

    We have a fully staffed team of professionals who are here solely to help you get the most of out of this opportunity.

    They’re located right here in South Carolina, so you’ll be able to call or email them any day of the week with any questions you may have about your membership.

But most importantly, once you join Behind the Markets, you get access to my 33 years of in-the-trenches market experience.


Like my own family and friends, from now on you’ll know about the big warnings like this first, before the rest of the world knows about them. By the time the general public finds out about this, it will be too late.


You’ll also know EXACTLY what to buy and what to sell, just like my readers did after the market crashed in 2009.

Introductory Offer

I want to position you for the dangerous world that we now find ourselves in. 


Helping you protect your financial security and achieve immense wealth is my mission.


In short, you get to access a brain that has made millions for myself and for other people during the past three decades.


This is why I’ve kept the cost of Behind the Markets at the lowest possible level.


Just $49.


And frankly, I believe it’s a steal at that price.


The bear-market playbook in my book “Midnight in America” is worth that alone.


It’s taken me thirty years of experience to be able to distill the playbook down into four easy steps and in a moment, they will be yours forever.


You will even want to share this with your family and pass it down to your kids, just like I did. 


But more importantly, while we wait for these events to unfold, I’ll give you opportunities to make money that you’ve never even imagined before.


I don’t know about you, but I’ve been around long enough to know how rare that is.


Look - as I mentioned earlier, this is about feeding more than my wallet. It’s about feeding my soul. And the best way for me to do that is to help as many people as I can.


And I grew up on welfare and food stamps. So I will never forget the value of a dollar.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

And finally, just to prove how confident I am, let me remove any last shred of doubt about this investment.


Try Behind the Markets risk-free for 30 days. Take the month to review the service. Profit from as many of the open positions as you can.


If I do not meet or exceed your expectations, just call customer service and you’ll get a 100% full refund. No questions asked.


PLUS, you can keep your copy of my new book: Midnight in America


Sign up for Behind the Markets and let me share with you what I do best each month, just like I do with my friends and family.


Thank you so much for reading this important presentation.


I sincerely hope you’ll take me up on this offer.


I’m confident you’ll look back one day and think that joining Behind the Markets was one of the best financial moves you ever made.

So let me quickly recap what you can expect from Behind the Markets

  • NEW BOOK: “Midnight in America: 5 Cracks that Threaten America’s Foundation – and How to Protect Yourself from Them.”- You’ll get this invaluable book free as soon as you join. Even if you cancel, it’s yours to keep! Value: $49

  • Life-changing stocks every month: You’ll get the benefit of the best investment experience money can buy in 12 monthly issues of Behind the Markets – e-mailed directly to your inbox. Once you get the email, simply call your broker or place your trade online. Value: $399

  • 30-DAY 100% Money-Back Guarantee: Because I want you to profit from my advice without fear and without hesitation, I’m backing up my claims with an unconditional guarantee: Try Behind the Markets risk free. If you don’t like the service in the first 30 days for any reason whatsoever, every dime you paid toward your membership will be returned to you. The report is yours to keep.

Total Value: $448!


All available for the low price today of just $49.

Act Now – Before this Crisis Hits!

I’m truly sorry to say this, but the question is not “if” this collapse comes but “when” this collapse comes.


Any one of these five cracks could destroy your wealth.


When will we borrow one dollar too much?


We’re already seeing signs that this is happening.


We will become more and more fragile.


In fact, during the course of this presentation, our country has already fallen another $416 million in debt.


Never before in history has a country gone this far into debt. It’s not even close.


Never before has a country promised so much free stuff with no way to pay for it.


Never before has a foundation been this weak.


Look, one of these five cracks is going to hit.


And the following collapse will destroy millions of hard-working Americans who have no clue this is even coming.


Your hard-working neighbors, your mechanic, your doctor, your friends, your co-workers, you name it. They will all feel the pain unless they are warned first.


Don’t let this catch you by surprise.


As a father of two young kids, I am gravely concerned. I am afraid that they’re going to grow up in a country with a lot less opportunity than the one Reagan gifted to me.


But let me remind you that there is a silver lining to all of this.


Once you accept a free copy of my book, “Midnight in America,” and a membership to Takeover Targets you’ll see it in black and white.


Just like my friends and family did right before the 2009 crash.

Remember, I predicted that collapse a full year before it happened.

I published my research and gave all my members the opportunity to prepare. 

And then I sat down with family members.

I spoke to my mother, brother, uncle, mother-in-law and my father-in-law.

We met at my mother’s house, and I prepared them for what was coming.

And you know what?

The decisions we made in the year leading up to that crash set me up for the rest of my life. 

Not only did we make decisions that saved us from the worst of the housing crash….

When the market finally did get hammered, we were able to make money on stocks like….



Then something strange happened. 

Everyone around me was doing so poorly that I began to downplay how well I was doing. 

I didn’t want anyone to feel bad about the choices they made leading up to the crisis. 

Now imagine knowing a storm is coming and not preparing for it in advance? 

Not protecting your hard-earned nest egg and helping your friends and family?

That’s why I’m sharing this information more widely than I ever have before. 

So yes, the collapse will be ugly and horrific.

And a lot of people you know will get hurt by it, I’m sorry to say. 

But for you and for other readers of Behind the Markets, the collapse will actually be an opportunity to make the kind of money that most folks see once or twice in their lifetimes.

And for this beautiful country of ours, it will be a chance to reboot the economy on a firm foundation of productivity instead of debt. 

Like a hurricane that washes away all the dead trees.

Imagine having the chance to make gains like the ones we saw after the 2009 market crash…

All you need is a game plan. 

But I urge you not to try to navigate this new economy on your own. 

Put your trust in someone who specializes in investing when stuff hits the fan. 

Let my team and me guide you through what’s coming.

You can’t trust Wall Street anymore.  

They’re too busy milking this system for everything they can. They’re like vampires feeding off this country. It’s why I left in 2003 and never looked back. 

You can’t trust “The Media” anymore.  

They’re too busy trying to divide and distract us from the disaster they helped create.  

And you can’t trust the so-called “Elites” in Washington anymore. 

These are the same geniuses who thought that if we made China rich, they’d become our little buddies. 

Now they’re attacking the U.S. dollar and are threatening to attack Taiwan. 

It’s crazy. It’s like we’ve become passengers in a car being driven by a drunk driver!

Look, this collapse is coming. It’s only a matter of time. 

You can protect all that you’ve worked so hard for all these years. We will help you sidestep this disaster, and we’ll guide you to the money-making opportunities as they present themselves.

Just click on the button below to get started.

When you do, you’ll find out how to claim your free copy of my book “Midnight in America,” along with a risk-free membership to Behind the Markets. 

As a member, every month I will send you a 30-page report of what is happening in the economy and how you can navigate it for safety and profits.

I even have a model portfolio that you can track.

I already showed you the kinds of gains you could have made if you were with me back in 2009. 

And now, I’ll take you behind the markets, to show you where the best opportunities are today, in this dangerous situation we find ourselves in. 

I’ve shown you compelling evidence that we are nearing a collapse that will send stocks down by 50% or more, real estate tumbling by 40%, savings accounts down by 30% and unemployment tripling.

Mark my words, this collapse is coming. 

Let’s survive this together. Better yet let’s prosper through this together.

To get all the details on how to claim your free book and a risk-free membership to Behind the Markets, simply click the button below. 

Thank you for reading this presentation.

I’m confident that in 6-12 months from now, you’ll look back on this day and be glad you took the time to watch this video.

You will still be able to live out that amazing American dream. 

But the only way to keep that dream alive is with a solid foundation based on making the right moves today. 

Thanks again for reading. 

“The Buck Stops Here,”