“It’s the One Short-Term Strategy that Even Warren Buffett Does."

How to "Skim" Extra Income from Takeovers Each Month

“Since January 1, 2020, readers who followed my “Key Code”

system skimmed EXTRA INCOME into their bank accounts each month

– without breaking a single law
– with a near
100% success rate!

- Dylan Jovine

Dear Friend,  

It's the one short-term trading strategy Warren Buffett uses to generate income.

Jim Cramer says, "It's just like hitting the lottery."

Billionaire Mario Gabelli says, "It's how we make money."

And our readers have used it with a near-100% success rate for the past three years!

Sound too good to be true?

Well, starting tomorrow at 9:30 am you can get access to the same advice.

You have every right to be skeptical. I was too – at first…  

But then I started working for a Wall Street legend. One of the three people responsible for saving New York City from bankruptcy in the 1970’s….  

That’s when I learned about this strategy myself.  

Four years later, in 1996, I used the profits to help me launch my very own Wall Street investment bank.  

By the time you finish reading this letter, you’ll learn how this strategy is making some folks rich beyond their wildest dreams. At last count, more than 238 of the world’s top bankers were involved.  

At the click of a mouse, these Elites are skimming millions, even billions of dollars a year.

Where is it going?

It starts with the money wired to personal bank accounts in New York, Hong Kong and Grand Cayman. It ends with the money funneled into the purchase of new cars, vacation homes and private jets.  

But this “Elites-only” party has gone on long enough. I think it’s about time you start taking your fair share.  

If you follow the exact instructions in this letter, you’ll have the opportunity to start taking advantage of this strategy too.  And you can begin tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. EST.  

If this sounds like an unusual opportunity, you’re not alone.

It’s the kind of opportunity the public never hears about.

Most Wall Street drones aren’t even aware of it.  

But it’s very important that you act fast. I expect the next transaction to hit very soon. And this one could easily be worth $6.5 billion or more.  

I’ll show you how to skim a small percentage from this transaction using your home computer.  

You could clear a handsome profit. And if you use the same technique each month, you could do it consistently.  

In a moment, I'm going to tell you exactly how they did it.

But first, let me tell you how I discovered its inner workings… 

You’ll see just how it’s been making a small circle of people rich… and how you could profit from this system too.

While the World is Taught to Invest for the Long-Term, the Elite Quietly Play a Different Game with Different Rules…

Just look around you. It’s not hard to see that the biggest players on Wall Street aren’t playing fair.  

Think about it: no matter how bad the markets are doing their lifestyle doesn’t change a bit.  

Let’s face it: the deck is stacked. No matter what’s happening in the real world, they keep getting richer.  

Just think about inflation. Or Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Do you really think investment bankers in Manhattan are worried about losing THEIR mansions?

Do you think higher gas prices keeps them up at night?  

No way.  

Instead, they’ve found a way to get richer good times or bad…one secretive transaction at a time.  

Even as you read this, their bank accounts are slowly growing thanks to a banking “operation” spanning the globe and worth $4.7 trillion last year alone.  

I discovered how this strategy works from the inside – when I went to work for an investment banking legend.  

And now I’m going to show you exactly how to get involved.  

But why would I reveal this information to you? Why not just keep all the free money to myself?  

The answer comes down to principle…

Why my humble background has swung the door of opportunity wide open for YOU

Unlike most of the “superstars” of Wall Street, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth.


Instead, I grew up in a humble apartment in Queens, New York. We lived right by Shea Stadium, far from the high society of New York City.  

My mom was a single mom. She waited tables during the day and went to school at night.  

So, at a very young age I learned the value of hard work. My brother, mother and I had to fight for every dollar we ever earned.  

And like many kids who grow up poor in New York, Wall Street seduced me.

Through my childhood friend Paul, I got a lucky break. I started working at a small boutique investment bank run by Wall Street legend Peter Jacquith.  

He had made a name for himself as one of the bankers who saved New York City from bankruptcy in the 1970s.

What luck!

And that’s when I first learned of the computer “Key Code” system known only to the banks Elite.  

Hidden behind the Wall Street Propaganda lies a “Code”… which is ‘guarded’ by this ‘Secret Society’!

With this “Key Code” system…

I could “peek thru” the computerized banking system and see exactly where the money was moving.  

And that’s how I discovered the inner workings of a worldwide moneymaking strategy involving dozens of investment bankers and CEO’s…more than 287 discreet transactions per week…and the transfer of more than $4.7 trillion per year into various accounts.  

If they were skimming $728,442 from a $1 billion transaction into account FHX7865 on Monday morning, it would appear on my screen…Same thing if they were diverting $323,991 from domestic account FHX454-28SSWS into offshore account GCX482S3CAY between 9:31 a.m. and 9:32 a.m.  

One afternoon I saw one of these transactions, worth $1.6 billion, flash across the wire. And I estimate they skimmed about $12 million was right off the top and into the accounts of this operation’s insider.  

And while their operation was confidential, it was perfectly legal.

It Wasn't Long Before I Started My Own Wall Street Investment Bank

So, one afternoon I decided to give it a try myself…

Using my computer “Key Code” system, I 'peered' into the computerized banking system.  

Once I spotted a very large transaction, I was able to skim my share.  

It was “only” a few thousand dollars. But…  

My heart was suddenly beating out of my chest.  

I realized that anyone could tap into the sheer power of these huge transactions if they know how to…

Over time, my friends and family could get ridiculously rich…And they could do it while beating the Elite at their own game – bonus!  

Within four years I had made so much money for my clients and my friends I quit.  

I knew I had knowledge that the average investor doesn’t even know exists – my own “Key Code” system.  

So, I took that information and used it to start my own investment bank---- bankrolled by my clients!  

When you can potentially make money off every single investment banking transaction that crosses a computer screen in New York, you don’t worry about these things any more.  

But you might have to think about where you’re going to put all that extra money. (Of course, that’s up to you!)

No experience or knowledge needed… All you need is your home computer and my “Key Code” system…

The transactions I’m talking about aren’t grandma’s moving a few hundred from savings into checking.  

We’re hunting big game. I’m talking about the biggest money transfers in the financial industry. They can involve the transfer of millions or even billions of dollars in a single moment.  

Warren Buffett calls these transactions the “ELEPHANTS.”

And they typically result from:

  • Takeovers…
  • Leveraged Buyouts (LBO’s)…
  • and Mergers and Acquisitions (M & A)…  

Call them what you will, these kinds of transactions are almost a daily thing on Wall Street. No matter what’s happening in the markets, the financial world is always humming with deals.

What most people don’t realize is just how RICH the bankers are getting when they skim their share from the transactions themselves.  

Last year:

  • Goldman Sachs advised on 98 deals worth $398.3 billion…that allowed the bankers to “skim” approximately $9.4 billion.
  • JP Morgan the second most active behind Goldman, advised on 83 deals worth $304.7 billion…About $6.4 billion was skimmed off into the bankers’ accounts…
  • Morgan Stanley advised on 70 deals worth $248.7 billion…some $7.8 billion went to the bankers.  

And get this: The year before, the big banks announced more than $30.8 trillion in deals.

If you’re like most people, you only hear about the high-profile takeovers. The deals involving Amazon, Disney and AT&T, for example.  

Yet each week there are about 682 takeover-related transactions taking place that most people NEVER hear about.  

And therein lies the key to YOU having the opportunity to skim a steady stream of gains from transactions every month using my “Key Code” technique…

“Just like hitting the lottery…” - Jim Cramer

You see: Every takeover, merger or acquisition must go through an investment bank…an investment bank much like the one I used to own, LCP Capital.  

And that gives us two opportunities to make money:


We use merger-arbitrage investing to “skim” income from announced takeover deals. We call this a “skim” because we’re skimming money off of a deal that’s already been announced.

 For example…


On October 2, 2020, WPX Energy announced it was being taken over by Devon Energy. We recommended shares at $5 each and sold them for a fast 43% profit, giving our members a 546% annualized return in just two months.


We invest in straight takeover plays to make big profits. Using merger-arbitrage to generate income is our bread and butter. But sometimes we get a chance to hit some home runs. We tend to do this in industries that are consolidating.

For example…


On August 14, 2020, we recommended shares of Denali at $30.71.


We believed it could be a strong takeover candidate.


After they announced a deal with Big Pharma giant Biogen, the stock soared to $83, up 170%.


See –– if you know when the next takeover is coming, you have an unprecedented opportunity to generate wealth.

That’s why billionaire investor Mario Gabelli said buying takeovers is…

“How we make our money.”
- Billionaire Mario Gabelli

And why The Street reports…

“Stock prices of firms almost always go up immediately after an announcement of a takeover bid by another company.”

Using my computer “Key Code” technique, you can hunt for these kinds of gains week after week.  

And starting tomorrow, just after 9:30 am, this system could give you opportunities to earn consistent gains every month!

Based on our track record, that’s being conservative…

We boast a near-100% success rate on closed trades since 2020.

That means we didn't close a single losing trade last year.


And in 2022, our success rate was 98% which translates to only one loss.


Take a second and think about this. Ask yourself, “When was the last time I heard of a system that’s worked so consistently?”


Probably never.


Which is WHY my computer “Key Code” system is so powerful.


See – when you can reliably skim a little bit of profit off the top of a billion-dollar transaction…


You don’t have to make 1,000% gains to become rich.  


Our average profit per transaction is 21%, which means that for every $100 bucks someone invests, they would have gotten $121 back.


That may not sound like much, but because my computer “Key Code” system works so consistently…


It’s all you’ll need to build serious wealth.


Remember: Warren Buffett became the world’s richest man from 20% returns.


And now, with my computer “Key Code” system, you can spy on Wall Street’s biggest bankers, so you know exactly which big transactions to skim your share profits from. 


Even if the markets are tanking, going sideways, or soaring…


Take a look…


Skimming 546% from the WPX Energy Deal

Target Company: WPX Energy 

I remember when the system first locked onto a little-known energy firm, WPX Energy.

The company was firing on all cylinders. It was priced right. It was gushing cash… Just ripe for the picking!  

Using my computer “Key Code” system, I “took a peek inside” the investment banking computers. Within 30 seconds, I confirmed my system’s initial read…

Indeed, the money was already changing hands ahead of the coming transaction.  

I’d love to say that the mainstream media was surprised by this story, but they weren’t. But the truth is they never even heard of it.  

Just another example of my customers making money the public has no idea about.


It wasn’t long before I began telling my clients to buy.  


We got in on October 2nd, 2020.


Two months later, on December 17th, 2020, we skimmed a 546% annualized return from the WPX Energy deal.


But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the “Key Code” system…


Skimming 600% from the Sierra Oncology Deal

Target Company: Sierra Oncology Inc

Soon after, my computer “Key Code” system identified Sierra Oncology as a “hot target.”  


This California-based biopharmaceutical company focuses on treatments for rare forms of cancer.


I used my “Key Code” system to confirm the coming deal via the banking systems.  


Sure enough, it showed that a $1.9 billion transaction looked likely.


I quickly told all my customers exactly what to get in on April 14th 2022.


Just 7 days later, on the 21st, we had the opportunity to skim a 600% annualized return.


With this system, you never do anything more complicated than buying stocks!

I recommend exactly what stocks to buy and when. It’s that simple.  

But even though its simple for you to use, the Takeover Targets system is sophisticated…Let me tell you more about how it works…and how you could soon be getting these alerts...

Behind the "Key Code" System – Our 21 “Deal Triggers” Revealed

My proprietary Takeover Targets system identifies companies before they are taken over, so you can invest before the “official announcement” sends the stock soaring. 

The system is based on the following 21 metrics - my Deal Triggers:

  • Electronic "Key Code" reading
  • Vertical Integration
  • Horizon Integration
  • Competitive Response to Industry Consolidation
  • Competitive Response to Changes in Supply Chain
  • Competitive Response to New Technology
  • Competitive Response to New Technology
  • Competitive Response to New Entrants
  • Underserved Niche
  • Balance Sheet Status
  • Pension Obligations
  • Private Equity Target Score
  • Stage 1 confirm - secondary source
  • Stage 1 confirm - primary source
  • Stage 2 confirm - secondary source
  • Stage 2 confirm - primary source
  • Implied Target Sector Ranking
  • Management Vulnerability

The "Key Code" System:
NOT just a powerful indicator… It’s a PROVEN 21-point system that lets you sleep well at night

First, my “Key Code” system gives us an “unfair advantage.”  

Just like the banks insiders themselves, we can “see” when takeovers are coming. And that gives us an advantage almost no one outside of the Wall Street machine enjoys.  

But trading on any one indicator – no matter how powerful – is a suckers game.  

So I’ve incorporated the “Key Code” technique into a professional simple system that identifies and cross-checks every recommendation using 21 proprietary metrics.  

I call them Deal Triggers. And in various combinations, these indicators have combined to predict almost every major takeover going back to 1992.  

Not only that, they’re designed to cut your risk down to the bone…providing steady gains along the way.

You’re just skimming a little bit off the top of a gigantic transaction –– consistent profits to build real wealth.

But you don’t have to concern yourself too much with the technical metrics behind the system. I do the work for you.  

Instead, you just sit back and wait for my clear, concise e-mail alerts to arrive each week. When a deal looks good, you’ll know exactly how and when to make your move…  

But how much money could you make from these opportunities? Let me show you another example…


Skimming 142% from the AGIO Deal

Target Company: Agios Pharmaceuticals

One day, the Deal Triggers were lighting up like a Christmas tree. The target: an obscure pharmaceutical company from Cambridge, MA called Agios Pharmaceuticals.


It was registering especially high on Triggers #4, #6 and #7.  


In addition, the company served an underserved and valuable niche with business customers (Trigger #9)…

And lastly, its small size made Agios the perfect takeover target for a firm looking to move up a notch.  

Which is why they did that had a Big Pharma giant buy 10% of the stock.

It wasn't a full takeover, but I told my readers to get in… and by April 29th, 2020, we skimmed a 142% return from Agio call options...

It’s just like when Tilray began looking at shares of Aphria for $4 billion…


Skimming 82% from the Aphria Deal

Target Company: Aphria Inc

When the system identified Aphria pharmaceuticals as a takeover target, you probably didn’t know the cannabis industry was consolidating…

We took an online peek into Wall Street using the computer “Key Code” technique.

Sure enough, we could see that the wheels were already in motion on the upcoming deal.  

I alerted readers to get in on January 15th 2021.

By Valentine’s day, we sold half and skimmed 82% profits in less than 30 days.

But while this is solid winner, what’s important to keep in mind is this: The Takeover Targets system works on any investment banking transaction, big or small.


And that means we NEVER run out of opportunities to take fast, steady gains…


To understand how the gains can really add up, consider this…  

The investing “herd” made 2.8% investing in the S & P 500. But as you’re about to see, I expect the coming 12 months to be even more profitable.

You could skim gains from these massive banking transfers every month.


And all you need to do is join us now…before the next opportunity hits…

How would an almost-100% success rate change your life? 

By subscribing to Takeover Targets, you’ll receive the identities of dozens of takeover target companies - so you can put yourself in the best profit position.  

On average, you’ll get 2 to 4 fresh recommendations per month. Each with the potential to hand you solid gains…or much more (remember the Hilton play?).  

Readers who invested an average of $5,000 per pick skimmed as much as $1,077 a month, while those who invested $25,000 skimmed as much as $5,387 per month.

When you can profit from takeovers before or after a deal is announced, it’s kinda hard NOT to make money - if you’re patient enough.

Continuous opportunities to skim profit after profit… from takeovers worth billions… 

So far, I’ve only given you some highlights when it comes to how much money Takeover Targets system is generating these days…  

Here are a few more examples of targets the system identified…

  • 32% in Just 90 Days on The Stars Deal: Shares in The Stars Group jumped 32% in under 90 days after they were taken over.
  • 82% in Just 30 Days on the Aphria Deal: Shares of Aphria soared 82% after Tilray announced they were buying the company…
  • 63% in Just 60 Days with WPX Energy: Devon Energy announced they were buying WPX Energy sending the shares soaring 63% - after the deal was announced!

And guess what?


These smaller wins really start to add up over time. And they come in reliably.


But how can these stocks be so profitable even when the markets are in turmoil, as they have been for months now?

Here’s the answer:  

We’re NOT buying and hoping. Instead, we’re buying after corporate transactions.

No matter what, the big wheels of the Wall Street machine will keep spinning. Takeovers will keep happening.

And we can book gains…

Even if the S&P 500… the Dow… gold… real estate… bonds… and the dollar ALL come crashing down… 

Wall Street banks maneuver “behind the scenes” 24/7.

And no matter how bad the trade war gets here in the U.S., there will ALWAYS be enough activity to keep the large deals flowing.  

For example...  

This morning, the markets are zigzagging again because of energy prices, earnings and concern about a trade war with China…


Yet the steady stream of banking transactions continues unabated


Even if the number of weekly deal announcements were to suddenly drop by 50%, we’d still be looking at 123 brand-new opportunities every week!  

Opportunities like this one…


Skimming 258% from the Vivint Solar Deal

Vivint Solar was an American provider of photovoltaic solar energy generation systems, primarily for residential customers.


It was registering high on 17 Deal Triggers.


So I used my “Key Code” technique to confirm the coming move. Indeed, my reading indicated an imminent takeover.  


So, I alerted my readers right away.

And they had the opportunity to skim a 258% annualized return off the top.

But here’s where it gets interesting…  

The computer-generated report that revealed the Vivint Solar transaction also turned up THREE more blockbuster transactions. Each of them has the potential to let you skim $5,387 or more.  

One of them is a deal worth $38 billion. If they execute this transaction when indicated, it would be one of the biggest takeovers in the history of the media industry.

It Takes Just 10 Minutes a Week!

One of the best things about Takeover Targets  is that we target steady, consistent gains


…without touching risky and complicated instruments like futures commodities or cryptocurrencies.


As we’ve proven today, there’s plenty of money to be made buying and selling regular stocks.


In that vein, we’ve gone out of our way to keep this service as easy to use as possible.


I fought my design team to simplify everything for you.


I want to make sure you’re able to use this powerful new system.


That’s why -

Every issue is short and to the point … Every trade is easy to understand and execute.

What would be the point if I gave you profitable advice and you couldn’t use it?


That’s why we’ve devised an ultra-simple system for our members.


Every Thursday at 2pm EST you’ll get an email from me:

  • Open your email and review my half page recommendation. It will look something like this:

    “My #1 Takeover Target this Week”: I’m recommending you purchase shares of XYZ. I think it trades north of $$ in 6 months. If filled at $$$, your maximum risk is $$ plus transaction costs. Your net potential profit is $$. Happy hunting!”

  • Decide if my recommendation is something you want to invest in (it’s completely up to you!).

  • Place your trade online or with your broker.

  • Wait for your profits to pile up and fatten your portfolio.

It was designed to be that simple on purpose. All in all, it may take you 5 minutes to execute each trade. And that’s all you have to do. Leave the hard work to me. Even if you don’t understand every aspect of our trades, that’s fine.

I will explain each and every move we make together as clearly as humanly possible. As this track record shows, you don’t have to worry about it.

A sneak-peek inside Wall Street’s computers… at our next 13 opportunities.

Take a look at what I’m seeing on my computer screen. These are the industries our Takeover Targets system predicts will be the next most likely targets:

This “screen shot” may look like nonsense to the average person. But it’s really showing where the opportunities to book fast gains are…You could easily pocket a few thousand dollars from each deal when it goes through.  

Even better: remember this is the best time to be investing in takeovers in history.  

But there’s another reason to move quickly…

Why I must limit the size of my “inner circle” 

These opportunities are based on rare and timely intelligence. Keeping this intelligence secure is the ONLY way we can keep racking up these gains so consistently. Because if word were to spread about the upcoming transactions, we could easily get lost in the crush of speculators.


So I hope you understand why I can only allow a handful of new investors into my “inner circle.”  

Right now, we have a HUGE advantage over the Wall Street fat cats. We can “peek inside” their computers and see their upcoming moves without ever being detected ourselves. And we can act quietly on that information time and again.  

In order to preserve that advantage, I will be capping participation. First come, first served. No more than 1,000 people per month.  

But how much will it cost?

I REALLY don’t want you to miss out, so… 

Of course, I cannot offer this powerful service for free.

But I have decided on what I think is a very low price. After all, I sold my brokerage firm and have since dedicated myself to helping individual investors. So, charging an arm and a leg would make no sense.  

That means you can get my Takeover Targets recommendations for an entire year for just $2,997. Frankly, major firms pay 10 times that amount for intelligence this powerful. And our next recommendation could pay for your subscription many times over.  


I would hate to have you hesitate and wind up missing out on the nine “fish in a barrel” opportunities the system just uncovered.  

So I’ve been thinking it over and we’ve come up with an offer that I believe no sensible investor could refuse…

Act Now and Save $1,500!

Sign up for Takeover Targets today and get a whole year of the service for just $1,497.

That’s 49% off the normal price. You’ll save $1,500 right off the bat. And it’ll ensure you don’t miss out on our nine upcoming opportunities…or the dozens more to come…  

And for this President's Day only - we're offering a $500 credit towards your subscription!

Keep in mind that I’m only extending this limited-time offer because of the special situation involved. Once the deadline passes, this offer will expire. Period. However, you risk virtually nothing by signing up today. Because I’m also offering you this special guarantee….

It Comes with a Full
100% Money-Back Guarantee!

The reason we're able to make this pledge with confidence is because we've all seen first-hand how "regular" investors are making substantial profits within days, weeks or months of joining the service.  

Like members who could have skimmed solid gains from the sale of Pacific Biosciences...

Or members who could have skimmed solid gains from the sale of American Railcar...

Thats why we're able to make such a powerful money-back guarantee: try it free for 30 days. If you don't like the service, we'll give you a full 100% refund.

But if you like Takeover Targets – and I’m confident you will – then you'll want to renew your subscription year after year.  

 If you’re still reading, I assume you’re with me so far? That’s great.  

But I have one more surprise for you.

Either way, the “Key Code” System is YOURS to keep! 

I’ve never offered this before and I never will again…Sign up now and by midday tomorrow, I’ll rush you a confidential video I’ve just prepared.  

This document reveals my “Key Code” technique in detail. Once you’ve watched it, you’ll posses the “Code.” More important, you’ll be able to “peek into” Wall Street’s banking system any time you like using your home computer!  

(Do I even have to remind you how profitable that can be?)  

The video is called: Accessing the World’s Biggest Banking Transactions With My Electronic “Key Code” system.  

You can watch it in 10 minutes. And it’ll be yours to keep, even if you cancel. That’s my way of saying “thank you” for trying my research.  

In addition, of course, you’ll also receive the Takeover Targets service itself. Including our next three special opportunities, you’ll receive 30-50 new recommendations sent straight to your “inbox” each year. Each with the potential to hand you fast gains… 

Finally, you’ll receive special access to our password-protected website. There you’ll find the companies we’re recommending right now, along with new ones as we add them to the portfolio. If you move today, you could book gains on every one of these transactions, too!  

So lock in your $1,500 savings right now…and your 30-DAY 100% SKIM MONEY BACK GUARANTEE…and your reserved copy of Accessing the World’s Biggest Banking Transactions with My Electronic "Key Code" system.  

Then get ready for the most profitable 12 months you’ve ever had in the markets…bar none.  
